Meghan Daum: He likes his equality; he'll have it no other way

This is an article about Roy Den Hollander, the man suing Columbia because of bigoted Women's Studies programs. This writer challenges his notion and suggests Men's Studies does exist, though not at Columbia. While certain colleges do offer such a program they are essentially by-products of the Women's Studies departments. Essentially, they teach chivalry and male self-loathing.

'I know what you're wondering, and the answer is yes. Men's studies exists in the broader academic world, although Columbia doesn't have a men's studies department. It explores such subjects as "paradigms of fatherhood" and "gendered violence." And according to Harry Brod, editor of the scholarly book "The Making of Masculinities: The New Men's Studies," it's an outgrowth of the feminist movement. "If Roy Den Hollander really understood what men's studies was," Brod told me, "he wouldn't be in favor of it.'

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