Sexist men 'earn the most money'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Scientists have found men who believe a woman's place is in the home earn thousands more per year than their less traditionally minded male colleagues.

They discovered the "macho" pay gap amounts to more than £4,500 a year.

The tables were turned among women, however, with feminists earning more than women with traditional outlooks.

The difference between their pay packets was much smaller, the research showed, adding up to just over £800 per year...

...After excluding other factors such as education, the complexity of a job, the number of hours that a person works, the scientists found that sexist men made an average of £4,600 ($8,500) a year more than men who viewed women as workplace equals.

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More from the junk science dept. Yet another way to take men who earn well and label them as sexist for no other reason than that they earn a decent living and/or their wives stay home to raise kids.

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... is available here. As a guy who favors the traditional role and appreciates women who assume a traditional role as well, I think this is great stuff.

From the original article: "The study also found that couples who both tended to view the ideal place for a woman as the home had a significant earning advantage over those who disagreed." (this means that being traditionally minded in a traditional relationship appears to maximize earning potential as a couple - smart traditionally minded women knew this all along LOL)

"Younger people also tended to became more traditional over time." (presumably because they finally figure out this just works better)

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If you read how the "research" was conducted, it would not pass muster of a first-year college student. Pure Bull.

The only thing that fits is that whoever paid for this demanded that everything showing equal education, training, experience, and working conditions equaled equal pay was to be thrown out or downplayed. Everything that could be slipped in to "prove" the mythical pay gap was to be featured.

These people have the brass passing off this junk research as valid that would shame a monkey. Unfortunately, they will slip this into the unconsciousness of the masses, media, politicians and decision-makers unchallenged.

They will indeed get away with it.

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People are too busy making themselves busy to stop and think, this is wonderful for a controlling government, It seems as if there are groups that realize some people do think and are offering this version of an alternative perspective on the Wage Gap to make it still a selling point, hoping it will hold tight for a while and prevent people from looking at the bigger picture. At least until the election.

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Though its results are not surprising. "Sexist views" are perfectly normal and natural views for any man. A man only becomes feminist (or egalitarian) when he loses his "struggle for existsence" to other men, and consequently earns less than them.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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If this is what it takes to earn a few extra dollars, than so be it.

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You mean men that don't fall for politically correct drivel earn the most money. Society loves to throw that homemade word - sexist - around a hell of alot.

Women act like it is just as powerful as the word "racist" which denotes real oppresion.

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