Newspaper commentator blog: 'Teenage boys are stupid'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Teenage boys are idiots. And today's American teenage boys - whom our culture holds in a sort of manchild limbo long past the age they need to be doing some sort of hard work and earning their keep - are even bigger idiots.

By the time a male is about 16 years old, he has the body of an adult male, an adult male with a brain under assault by a dramatic rush of hormones the likes of which he'll never again see during any other period of his lifetime. Teenage boys are more impulsive and aggressive than any other group. Witness their penchant for crashing cars, diving headfirst into rock quarries, experimenting with drugs, and deciding to "play chicken" by draping themselves across dark country roads in an attempt to prove something to their similarly stupid peers.They are driven by sexual curiosity to the point of insanity, and they hold a misguided sense of immortality.;

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This is the URL to her response to the initial blog.

Read all the angry reader comments and you'll see why she back tracked on her original comments. Or atleast tried to.

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Reading the responses to her article is excellent.
The men are RESPONDING to the misandry !!!

oregon dad

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Even a few women took the time to stand up for teenage boys too. One wrote this comment: "Your point is virtually lost in what amounts to its own form of hate language. Highly offensive and unconstructive."

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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