Woman gets life for making child porn

Story here. Excerpt:

'Kelly Lumadue, a 33-year-old woman who was videotaped by her husband having sex with a 5-year-old boy, has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Lumadue, who was 21 when she had sex with the child, said she performed those acts under duress by her husband (now deceased), a professional photographer who recorded the sessions.'

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Good to hear that the judge has ignored the usual women's excuse about compulsion by husband.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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women have been having their cake and eating it to for way, WAY too long.

time to lock the bitches up.

oregon dad

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I will bet anyone here $1000 dollars she gets another trial within 3 years and that the outcome of that trial is that her sentence is reduced to time served if not overturned entirely based one that very same "my dead husband made me do it" excuse.

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For example, that she will hang herself in her cell in a couple of months. But we here talk about facts. In reality she got life. Without parole. For sex with 5-years old. Period.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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It is harsh, the most disturbing thing about crimes, especially sex crimes it seems, is that the range of punishments varies so much. I know each case has to be treated on an individual basis, but I think the range should be narrowed and this 2 for 1 or whatever programs to get out in half the time or however they work are silly.

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Claiming that a woman making child porn is oppressing women. I can hear them now...

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