New Zealand: Man freed from jail after false rape evidence admission

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Rotorua man's former partner has admitted gathering false evidence which led to his being jailed for rape before a court quashed his conviction.

Robert Sutton, who owns the Happy Angler store at Mourea, spent 10 months behind bars after being convicted in October 2005 of two violent rapes he says he never committed. He was released following a successful appeal and feels the wheels of justice are finally starting to turn in his favour.

The main complainant in the case against him, his former partner Marion Anne Carter, has this week admitted her role in Mr Sutton's wrongful conviction, pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice.'

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Or, as will more likely be the outcome will she get a very stern talking to about what a bad girl she's been by some misandric judge who will then let her go on about her business with no punishment at all?

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she will get both barrels of feminist justice for this

- a couple months of probation

and what could be considered a wad of cash for any woman to have to pay

= $50 , u.s.

now that's what i call throwing the book at her!

- comic book.

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