Story here. Excerpt:

'The Long Island woman who poisoned a housemate by putting eye drops in his iced tea - a dirty trick depicted in the hit movie "Wedding Crashers" - was sentenced yesterday to three years' probation for the sickening assault.
"It's not fair," said Gentissi, who had also accused Anzalone of killing his Chihuahua, Gucci.

"This is a woman who tried to poison me. She should have been charged with attempted murder. We were hoping she was going to get a strong sentence."

Anzalone's lawyer said her client was only protecting her unborn child, because Gentissi - who had lived with her and her then-husband, Christopher, in North Bellmore - refused to stop smoking around her while she was pregnant.'

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That way she can increase the chances that she will be able to murder the child itself..since the child will be more likely to be born.

Simple, isn't it? Even if she doesn't murder the child, common sense indicates she is likely to abuse it in some other fashion, given she attempted to murder someone.

This is the kind of absurd mentality we have come to accept without even noticing something's awry. Partly a result of living in a therapeutic society.


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... and studies have shown that serial killers often hone their craft on animals prior to moving on to killing people. She poisoned the dog, she attempted to poison him (but probably failed to take into account he has about 15 time the mass of a Chihuahua and thus required a much larger dose), and she will no doubt keep working on honing her killing skills till she gets it right.

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..with regards to the disposable sex. Researchers see which new drugs do not kill rats, then they test them on prisoners and hope for the best. (though I'm not sure tehy still do those type experiments on prisoners, but at least they did in the past - see Farrell).

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