Man who posed as 12-year-old receives 70 1/2 mandatory years in prison

An Arizona man will be sentenced to 70 1/2 years in prison for posing as 12 year old to enroll in school, possession of child pornography, and failure to register as sex offender. This will be a mandatory sentence, with no parole or credit for good time. He will be released when he is 100 1/2 years old.

Many of you may say that he deserves every last day of that. However, be aware that he didn't sexually assault or touch any child while attending the school. He also didn't kill anyone. How many people in the prison system are serving much less than 70 1/2 years for 1st or 2nd degree murder. Would a woman get this sentence or be committed to a hospital for 60 days?

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Child porn (subject to individual interpretation) is repugnant. Child molestation (also subject to interpretation) is a crime and should be punished.

However, when we as a society fail to recognize these obsessions as a severe mental illness rather than a moral failing we are diminishing and endangering ourselves.

These harsh draconian sentences where there is no parole is the equivalent to lynching and just as self serving and irrational as the real one's in the 19th century were.

Hell no a woman would not get the same harsh treatment as a man would get as we have seen time and time again. Female pedophiles for the most part are viewed as mentally ill as is proper to view the pathology of pedophilia. But we are being short changed by the judiciary when male perpetrators are punished as if they have a moral failure rather than an acute mental disorder.

At least society is getting it half right.

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is unethical

immoral illogical

the judiciary is out of control. they have abandoned
all the precepts (truth, fairness, equality, etc.) of
honorable law and replaced same w/ whatever pays best.

used car lots have more honest dealings going on.

when mr. average man wakes up and sees that judges have totally abused the
law and openly declared
him to be less than human, there probably won't be enough scanners and
cops around courthouses to protect the sorry bastards anymore.

hey, a guy can dream can't he?

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It wasn't long ago that homosexuals were as hated as
paedos ,in fact people didn't differentiate between
the two.Homosexual= paedophile.They were sent to prison if caught.Now you have to be one to be the norm.The difference is in the sentencing.This length of sentence from a judge is draconian in that it says there is no hope of a change of ways,of cure.
It is a revenge sentence by a female? judge on behalf of a totally unforgiving society which was once a showcase for the world but is becoming hated for some very good reasons along with it's poodles.

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If you read the article you will notice that photographic evidence of this man abusing a minor was found in his house (or in the house of one of his accomplices). Given the precedents, the proof of abuse and the lengths to which he went with his current charade, I cannot fault the judge if he/she felt this particular individual had to be kept away from society for everyone's benefit - including his own. Wether jailing him for life is the better way of doing this, that's up for discussion.

Now, were this to be a female, and taking into account past court rulings on vaguely-related cases, yes, I do admit I see it as far more likely that the female perp would get counselling or some such, and would be considered clinically insane for going to such extents as passing herself for a 12 year old, while this man was apparently considered basically evil and acting with full awareness and lucidity (sp?). The odds definetly seem stacked against the male "predator", but as far as this specific ruling goes, I cannot fault the judge with the data available.

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