Hillary backers come to defense of Palin

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

"The leaders of a women's political organization that launched earlier this year to support Hillary Clinton are speaking out against what they say are examples of media sexism toward Sarah Palin and urging members to tell the press corps "to back off.

WomenCount, a group co-founded by top Hillary fundraiser Susie Tompkins Buell, posted a lengthy item on their blog decrying questions over whether Palin can, as a mother of five, juggle her family responsibilities and still be vice president.

"To paraphrase the words of one blogger who said it best over the weekend: We will defend Sarah Palin against misogynist smears not because we like her or support her, but because that’s how feminism works."

I don't know who questioned whether Gov. Palin can "juggle her family responsibilities and still be vice president," but I would hardly consider such a consideration as hatred of women. But again, terming anything feminists don't like as "misogyny" is how feminism works."

Discussing whether a man's age or youth would affect his presidency isn't considered hatred. Asking how a former Vice-Presidential candidate's observance of Saturday as the Sabbath might affect his leadership, if assumed presidential duties, wasn't and shouldn't be considered hatred. Just a question about Palin's responsibilities shouldn't be considered hatred of women.

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Today's definition of misogyny is the belief that women should be held just as accountable as men.

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