MySpace page provides resources for abused men

Via email: I thought this might be of interest to you, especially for Men's
Activism. There is a published article I wrote that they just posted at the site in the Blog Section [at the top] and the struggles for males in finding help for recovery concerns around abuse & trauma, Recovery For Men - What's Different. Excerpt:

'I remember attending a Speak Out against sexual abuse and a male survivor got up to share – he shared a letter sent to him from a well-known advocate against abuse towards women. This letter was full of hate towards men and she let him know in no uncertain terms that she did not care what had happened to him and she did indeed blame men. This man who had written for help was once a young boy, a child, just as I was and what are we as men supposed to feel and think when we get such responses?'

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'This letter was full of hate towards men...' 'what are we as men supposed to feel'

I think what men should feel when confronted with this stark reality is that women deep within themselves, instinctively and naturally hate men. They need to realize that what they thought previously was a deceit and women pretended affection for men was a confidence trick. They need to realize that it is not feminism that created this hate but that women created feminism so as to give voice and expression to their intrinsic loathing of men. They need to realize that there is no way back.

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"I think what men should feel when confronted with this stark reality is that women deep within themselves, instinctively and naturally hate men. They need to realize that what they thought previously was a deceit and women pretended affection for men was a confidence trick. They need to realize that it is not feminism that created this hate but that women created feminism so as to give voice and expression to their intrinsic loathing of men. They need to realize that there is no way back."

You are absolutely correct. That's why feminism is so hard to defeat and knock down because deep down in all women they have a seething jealousy and hatred of men, even ones who claim not to be feminist secretly agree and hope for feminist success. Men should realise that women don't love men the way we love them, men buy into the illusions women create for themselves, which leaves men vulnerable to women's manipulation.

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This blog really let the truth out of the bag regarding the sexual abuse double standards that exist. Whenever a boy is raped, by a female or a male, no one seems to care, even if it has devastating effects. A friend of a friend of mine went through this with a female perpetrator, and it still affects him to this day. I think the same crime should dish out the same time. As well, victims of the same crime should be given the same resources. If only the world would wake up!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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