CBS: Why Men Die Sooner

Article here. Excerpt:

'(WebMD) Listen up, guys. It may be time to drop the bravado and consider these sobering

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is three times higher among men who are clinically depressed.

Male suicides outnumber female suicides in every age group.

Homicide and suicide are among the top three causes for death among males between the ages of 15 and 34.

By the age of 85, women outnumber men in the U.S. 2.2 to 1; this rises to 3 to 1 if they reach their 90s.
Male mortality is shorter in part, Legato says, because males are more fragile and inherently vulnerable than females from birth. And unlike women, who have fought hard to have their specific health needs validated and addressed, men haven't demanded equal treatment.

"It is a need that has never been addressed," Legato says. "Men have been tremendously neglected and it doesn't have to be that way."'

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> Male suicides outnumber female suicides in every age group.

It's seems that the situation is rapidly and steadily changing.

Girls' Suicide Rates Rise Dramatically

The suicide rate among preteen and young teen girls spiked 76 percent, a disturbing sign that federal health officials say they can't fully explain.

The study also documented a change in suicide method. In 1990, guns accounted for more than half of all suicides among young females. By 2004, though, death by hanging and suffocation became the most common suicide method. It accounted for about 71 percent of all suicides in girls aged 10-14; about half of those aged 15-19; and 34 percent between 20-24.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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The latest study says:

The study compared older and younger teens, boys and girls, and found no difference: all groups are equally at risk.

Does it mean that girls already came up with boys?

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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If I had a nagging wife I would probably die sooner also. Heck, I'd wanna die sooner!

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This article is a little different that the typical, "It's your fault because men are too stupid to go to the doctor" response by feminists whenever life expectancy gender gap data is cited. That's just a little progress.

I've consulted a few women doctors in my life. Most were competent and professional. Two were not. One, many years ago, was very angry that I went to here with what who thought were not severe enough symptoms. The other was very irritated that I went to her, even though I had persistent dizziness, nausea and what turned out to be an inner ear infection. The unspoken but clear message from each of them was that consulting them about my ailments was a nuisance to them and to not bother them again. I really wonder if they would have treated a female patient that way. I sincerely doubt it.

"It is a need that has never been addressed," Legato says. "Men have been tremendously neglected and it doesn't have to be that way."'

Apparently, it does have to be that way or misandrists would claim that the male dominated patriarchal establishment are oppressing and neglecting the health of women even more than they claim is happening now.

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"Overall, there were 4,599 suicides among young people in 2004, making it the third-leading cause of death, surpassed only by car crashes and homicide, Arias said. Males committed suicide far more often than females, accounting for about three-quarters of suicides in this age group."

It's interesting how the fact that most victims of suicide amongst young people are overwhelmingly male the article concerns a small increase of 38 girls of one age group in the US. That's like calling a rise of incidents of a rare disease from 12 cases to 20 in one year (a 67 percent increase) an epidemic.

Does it mean that girls already came up with boys?

If males account for about three-quarters of suicides that means girls didn't "already came[sic] up with boys". The quote means three times as many boys are victims of suicide compared to girls.

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In response to your citing of the WebMD:Married vs. Single article:

First, even the WebMD:Married vs. Single article doesn't attribute anything to feminism. The claim about single men is that over the years they have been reporting better health approaching that of married men. Single, divorced and widowed men still report worse health than that of married men, according to the article.

The article mentions the "reported" health of divorced and widowed married men and women, but it conveniently excluded the fact that divorced men especially do worse emotionally that divorced women after marriage.

In a NYTimes article some time ago attributed this to women maintaining their platonic relationships with other women after marriage and men not doing the same. This means men have less of a personal support network at this time in their lives than women. Some of us here are familiar with many of the other factors affecting divorced men.

How Divorce Affects Men's Health

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7 years ago I fell on ice at work at the Air Force Base I work at. I sprained my ankle. The base sent me to the emergency room off base. They splinted my ankle. A week later the base sent me to a doctor off base (National Guard doesn't have a full time Medical Squadron). The doctor was female, I was in my Air Force uniform when she checked my ankle. She made a dorogatory remark about the military and accused me of faking my injury. She was extremely rude. I told my Senior Master Sergent I would not go back to her explaning how her demeaner was. They sent me to a male doctor after that.

I was male in military uniform. The female doctor could not stomache that. I shudder to think how she would have treated me in a life or death situation. At least male doctors from my experiances can keep their private/political views out of the doctor's office. female doctors cannot.

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Men could choose to not die sooner than women and correct these statistics.

They could kill the women they marry or partner with. Efficient, but legally problematic.

Go see your doctor more often.

Or, kill your doctor.

Any one of these solutions would solve the men's health issue.....

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