EU wants to ban 'sexist' TV commercials

Story here. Excerpt:

'MEPs want TV regulators in the EU to set guidelines which would see the end of anything deemed to portray women as sex objects or reinforce gender stereotypes.
The new rules come in a report by the EU's women's rights committee.

Swedish MEP Eva-Britt Svensson urged Britain and other members to use existing equality, sexism and discrimination laws to control advertising.
She added: "Gender stereotyping in advertising is one of several factors that have a big influence in efforts to make society more gender equal.'

Guess there'll be a review panel made up of feminists for each commercial an advertises wants to air? I wonder if anti-male stereotyping will also be on their hit list?

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> I wonder if anti-male stereotyping will also be on their hit list?

Why not? In Europe (UK excluded) the situation in gender aspect is much much healthier.

"Gender stereotyping in advertising straitjackets women, men, girls and boys by restricting individuals to predetermined and artificial roles that are often degrading, humiliating and dumbed down for both sexes."

"When women and men are portrayed in a stereotypical way the consequence may be that it becomes difficult in other contexts to see women and men's resources and abilities."

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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The cultural definition of "sexism" is a very slippery slope that offers all kinds of opportunities for state intervention into public and private affairs.

We have seen this played out in corporate sexual harassment policies, domestic violence laws, and the entire educational system.

Now with this proposed EU advertising ban, the feminists want to outlaw the actual representational freedom to create and display images that some "authority" deems sexist.

After they ban images, (I guess that means most artistic expression) they will go after text and speech.

Then, sexist "thoughts" will be criminalized.

Then, the suspicion that you might be preparing to entertain "sexist thoughts" will be criminalized.

This is like living in the novel Brave New World where supposed "thought crimes" create a social fabric of absolute tyranny.

Life is once again imitating art.

And the worst thing is, Hannah Montana will be banned from European product endorsements.

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Just remember this proposal when you hear the expression 'freedom of expression'. This sort of proposal corrodes freedom of speech by stealth. Doesn't anyone else realize that the USA and the UK are as guilty as hell of all the wrongs the claim to condemn.

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When I visit my aging dad in his crackerville redneck town, and we go out to lunch with his buddies and the gals, they never ever talk about politics or even anything that is interesting.

Mostly they just talk about what they ate recently and where and when.

So, I asked my dad -- why don't you people talk about anything interesting related to what is actually going on in the world?

He told me -- that makes people uncomfortable and you could offend someone.

I cannot wait for this demented generation to pass away from this planet.

You gotta love them.

But they need to leave soon.

My ancestors are English, Irish, German, and Swiss.

I think I am the rebel Italian in the family who likes a good food fight over the dinner table.

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were those real?

my guess = no. but tastefully dome.

the topic/ more lunacy from the pampered loons.

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What you say? Don't hold my breath?

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They speak the language of equality in order to worm their way into control. But once they get their hands on the levers of power, they will move them in one direction only.

This is because the only concept that enters their heads is that it is always women, and only women, who are victims of discrimination or stereotypes. Men and boys will not get a look in.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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The cultural definition of "sexism" is a very slippery slope that offers all kinds of opportunities for state intervention into public and private affairs.

What feminists call sexism is anything a woman hates that reminds her of her sex.

Such a law in the US should be unconstitutional, but that hasn't prevented their enactment and enforcement before.

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