Canada: Few male teachers, but does it matter?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Theories about why so few men choose to become teachers, particularly at the elementary level, are well-discussed in education circles: the perception that teaching is a "female" profession continues; the pay, especially in the early years, is lower than other fields; the notion that men who choose to work with young children could be viewed as predators persists.

A question that sparks more debate is this: Does having male teachers matter?
"There's been this equation between how boys do in school and having male teachers, and somehow having a male teacher will make boys better learners," Wallace said. "What they need is really good teachers. And a really good male teacher? Great. A really good female teacher? Great. What we need are really good teachers who are able to engage students at all levels."'

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It's only a problem if the shortage falls on the female side. Then, it's a problem, requiring immediate gov't intervention. Otherwise, it's no big deal. In fact, it's even a desirable state of affairs, as women are better at just about everything than men-- except of course hauling garbage. They are happy to leave that to us.

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unfortunately, that's all it is, talk.

just more stupidity

and more excuses.

talk talk talk excuses excuses excuses

no matter what happens it will never be the fault
of the priveleged sex, women.

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Looking back to my own time at school I think having male teachers did make a difference. I don't think I would have thought it through carefully at the time but I do recall looking up to them and wanting to 'please' them. Of course these where men mostly born before WW2. I did have female teachers, including a nun, and although I had no problem with them I did not respond to them as I did the male teachers.

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Which new Signature line to you guys prefer?


'Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart'

[Bonnie Tyler]


' I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an' pretend
cause I've heard it all before
And I've been down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna keep me down again'

[Helen Reddy]


Everybody's looking at me, feeling paranoid inside
When I step outside I feel free, think I'll find a place to hide
Tell me people, am I going insane?
Tell me people, am I going insane?

[Black Sabbath]

[I'm bored!!]

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Looking back to my own time at school I think having male teachers did make a difference. I don't think I would have thought it through carefully at the time but I do recall looking up to them and wanting to 'please' them. Of course these where men mostly born before WW2. I did have female teachers, including a nun, and although I had no problem with them I did not respond to them as I did the male teachers.

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