Carey Roberts: Senator Biden's VAWA Cover-Up

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amidst the hoopla surrounding Sen. Joseph Biden's ascendancy to the right hand of Barack Obama, something was curiously missing. Over the last 15 years, Biden has repeatedly bragged to his friends and colleagues, "What I'm most proud of in my entire career is the Violence Against Women Act." So why no mention of his legislative pride-and-joy amidst the flurry of text messages, press releases, and staged public appearances?

The answer is, VAWA has become something of an embarrassment to the good senator.
Forget everything you learned in your high school civics class about due process, innocent until proven guilty, and equal treatment under law. VAWA-inspired laws have carved out an Alice-in-Wonderland world in our legal system in which any partner disagreement qualifies as domestic "violence," in which persons never qualify "offender" with the word "alleged," and in which a person so accused can seldom restore his good name.'

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