"She's happily married, dreaming of divorce"

Seems like CNN is going more and more the NYT route these days. A content-pull from "the Big O"'s articles is a dead giveaway, in my book. Read this piece of loveliness here. Excerpt:

'Nor is Will the Very Bad Man that I've made him out to be. Rather, like every other male I know, he is merely a Moderately Bad Man, the kind of man who will leave his longboat-sized shoes directly in the flow of our home's traffic so that one day I'll trip over them, break my neck, and die, after which he'll walk home from the morgue, grief-stricken, take off his shoes with a heavy heart, and leave them in the center of the room until they kill the housekeeper. Everyman.
No. Your husband is not your best friend. Your best friend is your best friend. If your husband were your best friend, what would that make your best friend -- the dog? When a woman tells me that her husband is her best friend, what I hear is: I don't really have any friends.'

So, she dreams of divorce. I suggest to her husband that he actually go get one.

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I believe the article is a satire on divorce itself, making a mockery of the typical reasoning behind it.

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If he leaves his shoes near where he takes them off (which would be AT THE DOOR at HIS house) what makes you think he would help the little lady out be doin' the filin'?

Men force women to file for divorce over 80% of the time.

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I'll sum it up for everyone...

blah blah blah
all men are bad
blah blah blah
women have it all why aren't we happy?
blah blah blah
marriage sucks
blah blah blah

I swear! The question I have is: Does the author have any idea how many men see a divorced woman (or single woman with kids) as not damaged goods, but a potential hazard. How many women push for a fair outcome in family court, despite having a family court system biased in their favor and eager to destroy the man who opposes them?

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Men force women to file for divorce over 80% of the time.

Got a cite for this?

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I contemplate divorce every day.

The author clearly strives for liberating men from matrimonial slavery.

To be sure, there will be throngs of angry women who will decry me for plunging a stake into the heart of holy matrimony.
Maybe one day, marriage -- like the human appendix, male nipples, or your pinky toes -- will become a vestigial structure that will, in a millennium or two, be obsolete.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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... a joke. Just without an emoticon, it's hard to see the ironic grin.

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I really like how this woman writes. She is expressing a lot of honest anger. And you could flip the gender pronouns in her piece and it would be very close to what a man would write about the failing institution of marriage.

I would prefer to face an angry honest woman any day, rather than the political feminist slime at NOW or our prospective next Veep the Father of VAWA.

Really it's a pretty well told tale by a disappointed woman. (She is not big on accepting her own responsibility...)

The fantasy about tripping over her husband's shoes and dying kind of disturbed me. One morning I almost hung myself in the shower on my ex-wifes' bras dangling from the shower pole.

She was well endowed.

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the differences in her dreams and choices and his (mr & mrs typically-average):

she gets the kids.

she will get a good sized chunk of his income for CS.
no taxes due. she automatically gets to claim the kids too - IRS.

she will get to "own" what happens to the kids from now on.

she will get the house.

she may get alimony (maybe forever).
note: that's one of the sure "forevers" for some marriages.

i o w she will be taken care of by the courts = his $$$.
using the best interests of the children excuse,
and the courts will strictly enforce her rights... forever.

and what will her next Mr. Right look like?!! see her wet Daydream (Webster):

tough dreams and choices. poor thang!

his dreams/choices are not so good:

he gets to get...OUT.

he will miss his kids, A LOT!

he gets creepy new digs.

he will possibably get to pay for her lawyers, and his (on terms).

he gets to pay a goodly portion of his gross income toward his? kids , well ....everything.
probably just take it out of what's left of his check.
and no credit in the courts for anything he buys outside of what the courts charge a fee for collecting.

ruined credit rating. no new nuttin for a long while. serious depression?
suicide? taking a person's kids can and does push many over the edge, as might be expected,
in anywhere else but BIZARRO World!

let's continue.

if he misses a payment for any reason (lost job, sickness)
he get's called bad names, maybe even jail.
and oh the fees $$$ and such the half men (legal system) tack on for "luck"
makes it sooo much easier to send them to college when the state gets through,
cause they want to punish him, and it makes themselves more $$$$.
who's going to argue when they get thru "branding" him "deadbeat"?
pay up mr. deadbeat. wallet. and be quick and nice about it or no visitation.

hope she didn't file any false (freeby) molestation/abuse charges against him.
that will definitely decrease his future worth as a maybe dad and potential husband,
and human being.

oh yeah, and he could also potentially wind up supporting her the rest of her priveleged life. "in the style to which she has become accustomed", because of him.
obviously talking about "special" people here. you know, special as in better than him.

and last and not by any means least, he gets to play her game and maybe even beg
to get to see his kids (see F4J) because "bubba" may not like him coming around, or any
of a thousand other reasons that might trip her pampered mind.

'cause he knows those aren't women in the back of those sheriff's cars,
going to jail for her failing to stick to her part of the crooked one-sided divorce agreement. if they did enforce the women's requirements, the jails would really be packed.

and oh what is the next MR. Right going to do for her? see: her daydream - next man.
note: i've heard it said some women marry and that day start looking for Mr. Rich.
"first time for love, second time for $$$".

this is the part where she shows the most frustration. and it takes timing. she has to
leave early enough to still be able to hook the next real Mr. Right.

her dreams are- not really all that bad and to this particular woman, she gets free of her horrible experience (him). cake anyone?

his dreams (for the enlightened man) = NIGHTMARE

some MRA's have for a couple years "espoused" a cure for her ever having to live this terrible way/condition, MARRIAGE STRIKE!
i'm trying to help her and all who feel for her as much as possible myself. it's in my nature to try to help.

imho - any older man w/ $$ is probably getting wiser by the day as to the potential consequences of marrying ANY woman in a western country. prenup or not. that thought might just be a dream killer in itself for some, i hope.

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She's so arrogant and superior, so full of contempt for her husband that she assumes he's"accidentally" trying to kill her?

Silly cow. I'd make it look like an accident too.

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Really my only point was that it is always a gift to be able to learn from a completely honest and ruthless predator like the woman who authored the piece.

She has absolutely NO ethics, morals, empathy, or integrity other than her anger and emotions.

Now, I can respect that.

Just don't lie to me and pretend that you are "the fairer sex."

Let's just have honest combat and see who wins, girls.

It could be accomplished during the next Superbowl halftime, if men wanted to really show you how restrained we have been with your gender.

Women truly do not have any idea how gentle men have been towards them. With their stupidity, vanity, expense, childishness, and sense of entitlement.

The Evil Patriarchy is the most kind and tolerant form of society the world has ever seen.

If the feminists succeed in dismantling it, the girls will have to go straight back into the caves where of course, they will survive by doing what they have done for 40,000 years.

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What got me was the totally self centered view point of the author. Poor me, stuck with a man that leaves his shoes where they aren't supposed to be. Do you really think he goes around miss buttoned and all that? The picture that is painted is of a partner that a woman doesn't really need. More propaganda to fuel the bored woman who has way to much time on her hands. I wonder if the author is really an attorney? Oh well, I guess some will read that and take it for gospel, as is the case with many sheep.

David A. DeLong

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'The Evil Patriarchy is the most kind and tolerant form of society the world has ever seen.' [roy]


'Here they stand brothers them all
All the sons divided they'd fall
Here await the birth of the son
The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one.'

[Iron Maiden]

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Does divorce enter a woman's thought process as soon as the wedding reception ends?


'Here they stand brothers them all
All the sons divided they'd fall
Here await the birth of the son
The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one.'

[Iron Maiden]

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I liked her writing style. It was witty, and somewhat self-deprecating.

However, I really hated her message. Not so much on the right to divorce, but the underlying message of how trivially it's considered and how widespread the phenomenon is among women.

This is something that many of us have been saying for some time. Women now see divorce as simple, relatively painless (for them) and perhaps even natural.

Contrast this with feminist rhetoric 20 or thirty years ago about how men divorcing their wives were destroying women's lives.

This article actually hits the nail on the head. Women are "women first, mothers second and laundress third". When women commit to marriage now, they "commit" to putting themselves first.

The article shows a complete reversal in attitude compared to a generation ago among women. Women are looking forward to divorce like never before over trivialities... and the statistics show that they are acting on them, and causing real problems for their families.

If sentiments like this article aren't an indication that divorce laws and attitudes have gone too far in protecting women, I don't know what is.

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That's a very interesting way of seeing things. I don't think people should rush to divorce because minor issues, an open talk can always bring benefits and improvements, and if that doesn't work then marriage therapy will do even more. If you think you don't with the person near you, you better figure this out before marriage, don't you think?

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You are so right about the "best friend" title. My husband used to be my best friend before we got married. Our friend relationship stopped there. We started to be husband and wife which includes all the fights, screaming and other nasty stuff a friendship never has. I even tried to save my marriage by seeing a counselor and all that. Didn't help. I divorced. Guess who's my best friend now. Yes, my x-husband...

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