Another female teacher gets light sentence for sexual assault of student

Story here. A Milwaukee teacher sexually assaults a student. The prosecution "allows" her to plead guilty to fourth degree sexual assault. Her sentence will be probation, 25 days in jail on work release, and sex offender registration for 2 years. She will not be able to teach-- but only in Wisconsin. Excerpt:

"Originally charged with second degree sexual assault of a child, 27-year-old Sweet pleaded guilty to fourth degree sexual assault Tuesday. It was part of a plea deal after she admitted to sexually assaulting her 14-year-old student."

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Essentially she could move out of state and teach again after two years. Incredible!


'Here they stand brothers them all
All the sons divided they'd fall
Here await the birth of the son
The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one.'

[Iron Maiden]

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of the raped victim stand up for suitable prosecution??
Isn't there such a thing as victims rights?
Why are these pedophiles allowed to avoid serious jail time?

oregon dad

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haven't you all figured it out yet?

women are "better" than men. nicer, smarter, prettier, and on and on.

they Deserve special treatment by virtue of being better than men

imho this attidude toward women by the faithful does appear to have most all the characteristics of a religion.

and like any deity, pretty much above/too good for our law.

special treatment expected, special treatment given.

case closed... in hell.

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but i have voted on several

"who will you vote for pres?" surveys, and

every one has McCain waaay ahead. a sign of deceptive polling

by the MSM? we all know they NEVER lie.

obama fans not on the net? hitlery holdouts?

probably just all there at the lezbofest tonite.

just wonderin'

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Interesting how this is written. Keep in mind this is a post sentencing story yet the first paragraph says.... New information on an area teacher, "accused" of having sex with one of her students. "Accused?" No she admitted it.
The third paragraph says...Her "alleged" victim is only 14 years old. "Alleged?" No he is the victim.
The sixth paragraph says. It "allegedly" happened when she taught middle school in St. Francis. "Allegedly?" She was sentenced it did happen.

Very interesting indeed.

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