Rhode Island Murderer to Be Paroled, Despite Sex With Guard
Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-08-19 19:39
Story here. Excerpt:
'The woman who became the youngest person ever convicted of murder as an adult in Rhode Island will be paroled this month, despite having a sexual relationship with her work-release job supervisor.
Corrections Department Director A.T. Wall says Gonzalez won't be disciplined because department policy holds only supervisors responsible for sexual relationships with inmates.'
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I have to say something!
I have a friend that was set up by a mother and daughter team. Mom was "out of town" and daughter seduced my friend. Yes she was under 16, she lied about her age to him, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the next day the daughter called my friend and demanded money, and so did the mother. My friend was in a bad marriage, didn't have any money, and decided to say screw you. He of course paid the piper. Now he has 5 months left on probation, and he has had his medical marijuana card, in OR for the entire time he was on probation. Now that he has 5 months left he gets a new po, of course a female, and she has taken it upon herself to force him to pull all of his plants, and he is also a provider for two other people. No basis according to the Attorney General of the state, but she doesn't like him, and feels that he should have paid more for his indescretion. Also, he was ordered to take a polygraph test at his expense, which he did. The polyigrapher told him that he couldn't even get his name straight due to his back condition, and his pain. Now this self important female is ordering him to take another test at his expense, even though she knows that he isn't a candidate for a polygraph test due to his back condition. I took it upon myself to write the probation department, and the Attorney General complaining about a waste of tax payers funds, gender discrimination, and an abuse of power. The last time I did this, on his behalf by the way, I was threatened by the woman that was his po. She said that my concern as a citizen was threatening to her. I requested a meeting with a video camera present, and a third party of my choice to be in the same room. They balked, but they left me alone, and actually gave him some slack. Anyone live in OR? Anyone else tired of this kind of mistreatment towards men? The Attorney Generals office is 1162 Court street N.E. Salem, OR 97301-4096. Please, write the office that is supposed to uphold the laws of this state. He has hired an attorney, but while this is going on if he doesn't comply they can revoke his probation. He has done everything that they have asked, paid everything that they told him to. The attorney can't help him until he has been already screwed by the probation office. So, if one wants to wait about 7 years for the court system to work, he might actually win. But what about in the mean time? What about his mother that he supports, what about the woman and her child that he supports? What about the legal marijuana users that he was providing for? Again, please help my friend. If he didn't deserve my support I wouldn't be "putting Myself out there". Write a letter, complain, even if you don't live here. Maybe, just maybe, if we were to organize enough at the grass roots level we can make a difference. I know I will try.
David A. DeLong