What about helping boys?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'When girls were thought to be in trouble academically, we said "There must be something wrong with the schools," and we changed them to be more girl-friendly. But there is no similar push to assist boys academically. Instead, when boys don't do well in school, we blame the boys.

I had a Petaluma City Schools trustee -- a man -- tell me that the reason boys are behind girls academically is "because they're stupid." I had another man from the Petaluma City Schools -- a teacher -- tell me the reason was "because they're lazy."'

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Lawrence Summers speculated that innate differences between the sexes might be one reason there are fewer women than men at the highest echelons of math and science, for which he was forced to resign. However, both past and current data support Summers' theory.

Absolutely. Women in no way can replace men in the economy (but easily can be replaced by the Artificial Womb) and eventually it will be not a boys' or mens' problem, but an AMERICAN problem. And in the coming crisis (as in any crisis) women of course WILL SUFFER MUCH WORSE than men.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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This is another interesting example of how research is censored or spinned in the feminist direction.

So, 25% drop-out rate from high school, right? But 75% of the drop-outs are male, and that is not published?

There is a very concerted campaign going on right now, orchestrated by the feminist elites, to suppress any broad public discussion of a "boy's crisis" in education.

They don't want to lose any federal money if boy's needs were funded.

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"Absolutely. Women in no way can replace men in the economy"

There is another possibility. Men may simply become slaves. So there would be no need to replace them. This is already in evidence in prisons where forced labour is becoming the norm. Men have always been slaves to some extent. It was called marriage which the state turns into a sort of male bondage. Men may marry out of sexual need but once entered into it in ignorance you will soon find out that the state has in fact turned you into a slave.

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Slaves don't do math and rocket science. As for marriage - it's almost dead.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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nbdspcl -- really good article link!

(From the article link above) --"Encouraging marriage in order to promote health may be misguided," the researchers write. "In fact, getting married increases one's risk for eventual marital dissolution, and marital dissolution seems to be worse for self-rated health now than at any point in the past three decades."

My two daughters (20 and 25) have stopped worrying about getting married and are focusing on their careers. And these are two supermodel gorgeous smart young women. They cause heart attacks when they go out together on Michigan Avenue in Chicago.

And they recently told me, we just don't care about chasing men anymore. We have our own lives to live.

And no, they are not lesbians.

Just two intelligent girls putting their priorities in order.

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