Detroit News Blogger Robert Pedersen Covers the DC Festival 2008 and the Equal Parenting Bike Trek

Please comment in support of the cyclists who are undertaking this cycling trek and also in support of the DC Festival 2008. Thank you MensActvism Readers! Article here. Excerpt:

'On Aug. 15-16, thousands of people will come together in support of parental rights at the DC Festival 2008.

"Parental rights are one of those natural rights that are and should be protected against intrusion by the government," said Lary Holland, head organizer of this massive event. "It is our responsibility as citizens to remind the government of its limitations."

There is tremendous support for the DC Festival 2008 based on media and blog coverage and numerous elected officials such as U.S Congressman Pete Hoekstra (H.J. Res. 97) and state representatives John Stahl (MI H.J. Res. NN) and Lamar Lemmons Jr.'

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