Electronic cuffs planned for dads

Story here. Whenever I think that maybe just maybe we make some ground on men's issues something happens to set us way back. If you think things are bad now, if Obama makes it we are all screwed. Excerpt:

'Illinois has joined a growing contingent of states to adopt a law that will put electronic GPS tracking bracelets on men who have not been convicted of any crime, but might be involved in a messy divorce.

The plan, named in memory of Cindy Bischoff, who was attacked and murdered by a former boyfriend, was signed into law just days ago and is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1.

And while its goal of protecting women and children from out-of-control husbands and fathers is good, it goes too far and violates the civil rights of innocent fathers, according to a lawyer for a group that will challenge it.'

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Gee wiz, it would have been a real boon for the slaveholders of the 18th and 19th century to have had this technology. They could have kept a tab on their ni**ers 24/7 with ease from their plantation estates! Well, better late than never. It is better than having the picture of a runaway or a non quota maker on the sides of pizza boxes.

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The article is here.

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I fixed the link. Lost the "m" in ".com" somewhere along the line.

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