New Zealand: United Future proposes rewrite of family law

Article here. Excerpt:

'United Future would reform New Zealand family law, party MP Judy Turner says.
"Shared parenting would mean that when both parents want custody, there will be a presumption that day-to-day care will be shared unless there are good reasons why it should not be."

Mrs Turner said research showed children benefited when they continued to have significant relationships with both parents after a breakup.'

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It would be interesting to see how this plays out. I have always been an advocate of 50% custody with both parents living in the same school district. This is even more interesting in how they plan to implement this idea into mainstream society. Any further news about this would be appreciated. I don't necessarily reject the concept, as it would seem to slow down the marriage and divorce rate somewhat, and as they say create a better environment for the children. If this was done fairly and evenly between the genders then it would be a great step forward I would think. Not bad, but I said I am somewhat catious as to how they plan on implementing this plan.

David A. DeLong

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