Australia: Proposal would extend family court's power to unmarried couples

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Government introduced a bill on 25 June 2008 which, if passed, will amend the Family Law Act to allow disputes in relation to property and financial matters between couples to be resolved or determined by the Family Court.'


Ed. note: The link is to the announcement converted from PDF to HTML. The original PDF-format announcement is here.

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a way to make ALL men pay up.
this is probably in reaction for the lack of men wanting to get married.

but your honor, i just bought her dinner.
"that will cost you permanent alimony mr."

i always said that if men stop marrying the leeches
they will find other ways to fund the gravy train.

well, here is the first attempt. and they try to make it sound legit too.

i predict - if the powers that be ever allow male contraception
to be produced and distributed, the blood suckers will find other ways to get yo $$$.
just like they are doing here w/ a growing lack of marriageable minded blokes.

odd how the pill is 99% effective, women only have a couple/three days a month
when they can get prego, and hundreds of thousands/maybe millions
of little "accidents" running around. imagine the odds against.

what a racket.

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The above is absolutely correct. For me it is a general principle that whatever move men make there will always be an outflanking response designed to neutralise its effect. Society has always sort to contain, smother and misdirect maleness. Marriage is itself a sort of male bondage and now that is failing other ways must be found. For me there is only one solution, all be it imperfect, and that is to Go My Own Way and be aloof.

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