Maureen Dowd: 'Mr. Darcy Comes Courting'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is a truth universally acknowledged that Barack Obama must continue to grovel to Hillary Clinton’s dead-enders, some of whom mutter darkly that they will not only not vote for him, they will never vote for a man again.

Obama met for an hour Tuesday with three dozen top Hillaryites at a hotel here, seeking their endorsement and beguiling their begrudging. He opened the session by saying that he knew there had been frustration about what they saw as sexism during the primary.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Hillary die-hards want to enshrine a whine in the Democratic platform about how the primaries “exposed pervasive gender bias in the media” and call on party leaders to take “immediate and public steps” to denounce any perceived bias in the future. That is one nutty idea.'

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'...The Los Angeles Times reported that Hillary die-hards want to enshrine a whine in the Democratic platform about how the primaries “exposed pervasive gender bias in the media” ...

it must have been that sniper fire she was ducking while running off the tarmack....or the posting of the wage gap myth on her website...

if a shrine for the whine is to be embedded in the democratic plank, let there also be a promise to end the blatantly lying. Hillary Clinton, not sexism, was to blame for her presidential failure. She continuously lied and shifted her positions and CRIED to get votes.

oregon dad

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The thing that pissed me off the most was the 'Iron My Shirt' debacle. I don't know if you guys remember, but there was a town hall meeting in New Hampshire when two men raised a sign and chanted, 'iron my shirt.' Hillary than responded by saying, 'ah, the remnants of sexism', followed by, 'security, get these men out of here!'

Groups such as NOW used this incident as an example of rampant sexism throughout our culture.

It was brutally obvious the entire situation was a political stunt garnered to gain some empathy from female voters. Keep in mind, the crying incident happened several days later.

I also remember Hillary celebrating the fact women make up the majority at universities. Could you imagine Obama or McCain celebrating male dominance in science and engineering?

Was there sexism during her campaign? If there was, it was manufactured by Hillary and her need to play victim without one shred of accountability.


"Courage and consistency
bravery and valor
honor and pride
for what was it worth"

[Dimmu Borgir]

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