CNN: No kids, no jobs for growing number of wives

Story here. Excerpt:

'Dr. Scott Haltzman, author of "The Secrets of Happily Married Women," says stay-at-home wives constitute a growing niche. "In the past few years, many women who are well educated and trained for career tracks have decided instead to stay at home," he says. While his research is ongoing, he estimates that more than 10 percent of the 650 women he's interviewed who choose to stay home are childless.
Davis says her life isn't luxurious. "Tuesdays are my laundry day," she says. "I go grocery shopping on Wednesdays and clean house on Thursdays." Mondays and Fridays are reserved for appointments and other errands.

But her schedule also allows for charity work and leisure: reading, creative writing and exploring new hobbies, like sewing.'

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I've got another word for it.

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"I've actually heard people say that women who don't work are a drain on society."

Puppies mark birth of commercial pet cloning

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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Iron my shirt.

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"Davis says her life isn't luxurious. "Tuesdays are my laundry day," she says. "I go grocery shopping on Wednesdays and clean house on Thursdays." Mondays and Fridays are reserved for appointments and other errands."

What's the difference between that schedule, and the one for a woman with children? Oh yeah..I forgot - "take daughter to tap-dancing class on Tuesdays - do while washer is running".


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Single men must not lead lives of luxury either..especailly since they have jobs too.


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There's no way I would marry a woman and have her sit around on her ass all day while I worked. Especially if there's no children involved. How whipped do you have to be to agree to that?

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