Men's health: It's time to help men help themselves

Editorial here. Excerpt:

'Nationally, just like clockwork, Congress approves a resolution declaring June as Men's Health Month. But the Men's Health Act, which would establish a national Office of Men's Health to conduct and support programs to make men live longer, has been bandied about without action since its introduction in 2001.
...The state Department of Health makes money available for cervical and breast cancer screenings, but not for prostate and testicular cancer screenings. Its reproductive-health program is focused exclusively on women. And its Web site features a women's health page, while devoting minimal space to issues specific to the fathers, sons and brothers who too often die before their time, victims of undetected diseases and poor lifestyle choices.'

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We had this sign on the street in June at our rally and discussed men's health with the public, along with other issues.

Office of Men's Health Now

Here's some very important info we always try to pass along to inquiring minds, paraphrasing, "Of the top fifteen leading causes of death, men lead in 12 categories, are tied in two and trail in only one." Even though more women die of heart disease each year, men die of heart disease many years earlier. Source: Center for Disease Control

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Those numbers are frightening! I'm in a band and I promote awarness to some men's issues on the side. I just posted up those facts as a bulletin on our myspace. We have nearly 2000 fans and I hope some people read it.

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Thank you Duncan. Every bit helps.

There's an Office of Women's Health at the national level, at my state level, and at my local county level, but none for men. With stats like that from the CDC, how ridiculous is that? The unequal protection of men in Amerika is glaring and unacceptable.

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