RADAR ALERT: ABA Refuses to Get Their Facts Straight – Now Let's Cut Off Their Funding!
The American Bar Association can't kick the habit. Two years ago the ABA published "10 Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence," a report that purports to demolish falsehoods that surround child custody and DV.[1]
But it's a sham.
In the name of stopping lies, the ABA "fact-sheet" actually invents new lies and expands on the old ones. Here's just one example:
"Among false allegations, fathers are far more likely than mothers to make intentionally false allegations."
The truth, of course, is no good research has ever shown that, and mothers are usually the ones who make false accusations. All this is spelled out in RADAR's Special Report, "Myths of the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence: Summary Report."[2]
Last week we asked everyone to contact the ABA president, William Neukom, and tell him to remove the offending report. (If you haven't done so, here's his email: abapresident-at-abanet.org)
But the situation could get much worse.
That's because the ABA now wants the American taxpayer to pay for these lies.
That's right, the ABA is shamelessly backing the National Domestic Violence Volunteer Attorney Act, H.R. 6088, a proposed $55 million earmark to set up a network of attorneys to invent even more false allegations in family court.
If that sounds unbelievable, yes, it is unbelievable.
So it's critical that every person who reads this Alert take 3 minutes NOW to halt this perversion of justice. This is what
we are asking you to do:
- Go to http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARflyer-HR6088-S1515-Earmark-for-Lawyers.pdf and print out a copy of RADAR's flyer, "Domestic Violence Lies Cost Lives."
- At the top of the flyer, print "Say 'No!' to H.R. 6088" and add your name, city, and ZIP code.
- Get the fax number of your member of the House of Representatives (you can find it by going to http://www.house.gov/, then going to the webpage of your Congressman)
- Fax the flyer to your elected Representative.
Thanks for protecting families from the misrepresentations of the American Bar Association!! With your help, we're going to win this battle!!!
Date of RADAR Release: July 29, 2008
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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women
working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org.
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