Women try to open airplane door during flight
Story here. I wonder what degree of a sense of entitlement and presumption of immunity to account for activities is necessary for one to get to this point without being a clinical sociopath? Excerpt:
'A plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Germany after two British women tried to open a cabin door mid-flight, police have said.
The women, aged 26 and 27, were drinking heavily and had to be held in their seats by security staff until the plane landed in Frankfurt.
They were arrested and released after two hours, Frankfurt police said.
She said they had started to swear at and threaten staff who refused to sell them any more alcohol from the bar.
"Their language was totally unacceptable, as was their behaviour. They were very abusive and threatening," the spokeswoman said.'
The XL Airways spokeswoman said the airline was considering taking legal action against the woman.
Mr Scherer said police were deciding whether to press charges, adding that the pair could also be fined or forced to pay compensation.'
Released after 2 hours? Considering taking legal action?
I guess that explains it. They behave this way because they think they can get away with it. And they can. If I had done this, well, I'd still be waiting to see my court-appointed German lawyer who may or may not know English (assuming I'd get one-- please excuse my ignorance of German legal procedure). If not, well, too bad. I wasn't going to get off with a warning anyway.
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The endangered the lives of
They endangered the lives of their fellow passengers so they should be given a jail term, or section them under the mental health act and keep them in the loonie bin for a few years. They should also pay a fine for their drunken behaviour.
Coddle Her Inc
And you expected what after how many decades of coddling women and filling them with a sense of entitlement???
Is it really any surprise eventually one or more amongst them will feel as if they are entitled to do as they please with no consequences?
Gunner Retired
They're almost certainly from this kind of environment...
I see these sorts of people every day on my way to work (I have to go through a particularly rough council estate). Barry Beelzebub sums it all up perfectly here:
"Let’s face it: it’s not as if the tramp-stamped, thong-baring women need any help pulling after closing time at The Shivering Whippet. Their biggest problem is not spilling their chips while being serviced in the car park by a lad off the Waltzers at the local fair. Being bright orange isn’t going to help, beyond making it easier for the local Casanovas to find them in the dark.
"Maybe it’s this WAG thing, whereby all teenage girls have only one ambition in life, and that’s to entrap a footballer of sorts and then appear in Hello! magazine at £250,000 a pop. The sad reality – for them - is that they instead fall pregnant to a nice Asian lad from the kebab shop and then spend the rest of their lives pretending to hobble round on the Magic Tin Leg of Money while buying fags, alcopops, scratchcards and Findus Crispy Pancakes. Still, at least the ‘brahn’ baby won’t need to avail itself of the tanning salon."
The man's a genius! :-)
"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)
Women's entitlement
> if they are entitled to do as they please
If all what they will do is going out of airplane while in the sky (or something like this), then I can live with that.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.