"Fighting for his country; fighting against Illinois"
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2008-07-25 18:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'When the I-Team received an email from Army Sergeant Joshua Hinkle a few weeks ago, it first caught our attention because it was sent from Camp Bucca in Iraq.
The soldier wrote that he was suffering a great injustice: the state of Illinois, he claimed, had cleaned out his entire bank account for child support.
"They went into my bank account and they took it, they took it down to the penny," said Hinkle, who's with the Illinois National Guard.
Most puzzling is what happened to all that money the state seized from his account in June. The boy's mother said she hasn't seen any of it.'
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manonthestreet I wonder if
I wonder if incidents like this ever cause those in the armed services to question why they fight for a country which treats them so badly? Soldiers are filled with the idea of the moral superiority of America and the American system but does not this type of experience just show that reality is that it does in fact stink. What's the point in dying for a feminized country which in essence despises you?
Women in the military
"What's the point in dying for a feminized country which in essence despises you?"
Don't worry, you're seeing the last generation of men willing to volunteer to do that. It's women's turn.
After all, women can do anything a man can, and do it better. Isn't it about time women took responsibibity for all the freedoms, choices and privileges they have as Americans? Many of the freedoms, choices and privileges women have, men don't have. Where is a law like Title IX to see that women are represented in all areas of the military like men are. Shouldn't NOW be suing to get women in those combat roles, if they are not just hypocrites?
Yes, this case and many others, show just how much America despises "the disposable sex" (men).
It gets worse!
George Bush the 1st signed an administrative order waiving the constitutional rights of the american Male in what was called the wellfare recovery act. All you have to do is go to any federal reserve library and do the research yourself. I have. So, what we have is a real reason to attack the government that is supposed to be benevolent to its' People, but in fact it isn't. As long as they can keep us hating each other they will continue to control us, period. So, instead of divide and conquer, why not unite and take over?
David A. DeLong