Record amount collected for Illinois children for fourth consecutive year
Press release here. Excerpt:
'CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced that for the fourth consecutive year, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has collected a record amount of child support for Illinois children. The $1.33 billion collected for custodial parents during FY08 is a more than 8 percent increase over the $1.22 collected during FY07. Success is due primarily to innovative programs geared toward holding non-custodial parents accountable.
HFS is also working with Secretary of State Jesse White’s office in a new effort to suspend driver’s licenses for parents who are not meeting their child support obligations. Almost $5 million in child support has been collected for families since the program started in January.'
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Why Not Publish The Cost?
Why doesn't the powers that be publish the cost of this system, the people that serve the system, the attorneys' that profit off of it, and all of the gov. employees that make their living off of oppressing the rest of the People? The salaries, the costs that all go to servants of the system, that we are paying for to oppress us? Just a thought. I once suggested that we should push for publication of these people that make their living off of the rest of us, names, addresses, and phone numbers. Why not make "PUBLIC" employess really responsible to the People that they are supposed to serve? Just a thought Folks, just a thought.
David A. DeLong
And this constitutes success?
Notice how the war on men and famiies reflects the grotesque twisting of values. An increase in the amounts of money extorted from men as a result of the wrecking of families, is defined as "success". If that is true, then obviously the more such "success" can be engineered the better; with presumably the ultimate objective, the holy grail, being to separate every man from his children and then to extract every last penny out of every such man and have it swallowed by the state.
Let me suggest a saner alternative. Define "success" as keeping more fathers in families without any interference from the state, and without any need to filch money from parents in order to support the feckless, whether the latter be the state or irresponsible individuals who think the world owes them a living.
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women
Apparently we have moved on
Apparently we have moved on and forgotten the basics. 99.9% of that billions of dollars was collected from men who would pay their CS whether the system was there or not. The dead-beat dad is primarily a myth instigated by politicians to get even more control of people's lives, for how could "the people" survive without politicians' interference? The important thing to remember is that the majority of CS collected IS NOT from dead-beats, but from loving and caring fathers who are forced into a system that offers NO "debt" forgiveness due to sickness, job loss, or many other extenuating circumstances. This state that brags about collecting billions for the children will not admit that in doing so it made billions for its own coffers and neither will it admit it STILL can't collect from those the system was designed to catch. No, in all its wonderous technological savy and force of arms, the mighty state is still unable to draw blood from a turnip. It can however, make life more miserable for those already destitute.
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.