Book Review: Parker's 'Save The Males'
Article here. Excerpt:
"Every once in a while, a book not so much lands on your desk as lobs itself like a hand grenade, exploding preconceived wisdoms and shattering the bones of the status quo. Save The Males is such a book.
It is the fiercest and most fearless defence of men, fatherhood and ultimately the family I have read in many years.
American author Kathleen Parker's courageous thesis is that initially, through extreme feminism, then via its craven implementation into society, women have demonised men and trivialised their contribution, especially to family life.
She argues: 'As long as men feel marginalised by the women whose favour and approval they seek, as long as they are alienated from their children and treated as criminals by family courts, as long as they are disrespected by a culture that no longer values masculinity tied to honour, as long as boys are bereft of strong fathers and our young men and women wage sexual war, then we risk cultural suicide.'"
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"....then we risk cultural
"....then we risk cultural suicide.'"
And so it should be. This society, this lying, self-inflated, grotesque so-called gov't of the people deserves to die.
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.
manonthestreet Books like
Books like this are always described as new, refreshing and ground breaking. But in fact there have been many such books stretching back over many years. I don't think it or any such book will make much difference even if its conclusions are 100% correct. Rather I think that what is needed is to 'bring it on'. Yes society may be destroyed by feminism but the solution is to push it all the quicker to destruction. For men a new order is needed which can only rise from the rubble of the old one. What emerges should not be a sweet return to some idealised past but a true emergence of maleness freed from the need of female approval.
The review writer gave away that she was a woman..
..in the aricle, where she says, "What is especially refreshing is that Parker's quest to Save The Males is not just about fairness to men"
Oh my God that would be terrible!! We need balance here!!
P.S. I know you can tell by her name that the reviewer is female, but even if we hadn't been given her name, this one "women-firster" statment would have given it away.