"...start choosing baby girls through IVF because they live longer and have more opportunities..."
Article here. Excerpt:
'In a speech titled Should human beings have sex?, Dr Robert Sparrow yesterday told the Australian Medical Students Association convention that females could soon rule the world as hermaphrodites without any biological use for men.
To reach this post-sex world, Dr Sparrow said parents wanting the best for their children should start choosing baby girls through IVF because they live longer and have more opportunities in life.
"There are significant restrictions on the opportunities available to men around gestation, childbirth, and breastfeeding, which will be extremely difficult to overcome via social or technological mechanisms in the foreseeable future. Women also have longer life expectancies than men," he said.'
Is it me or does this particular brand of researcher (those in evolutionary biology) seem hell-bent on gleefully announcing predictions of the end of the male sex among humans? Or are just the ones who like to do that getting the press? In any case, can you imagine the uproar if anyone said "IVF users should try to pick boys since they are more <whatever> than girls?"
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Artificial womb is inevitably coming.........
LOL ) Here is what I posted here a couple days ago:
All such books appear due to only one thing: WOMEN WILL SOON LOSE THEIR MONOPOLY ON CHILD BEARING. And feminists are scared to death and are trying to defend proactively ("best defense is offence"). Of course they perfectly realize that without men they all will die in two days.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
Australian sparrow
Someone may send to this Robert Sparrow with a bird brain the following link:
Artificial wombs
Here is an excerpt:
"Scientists have created prototypes made out of cells extracted from women’s bodies. Embryos successfully attached themselves to the walls of these laboratory wombs and began to grow.... “We hope to create complete artificial wombs using these techniques IN A FEW YEARS_,” said Dr Hung-Ching Liu of Cornell University’s Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility.... Liu and her colleagues grew layers of these cells on scaffolds of biodegradable material which had been modelled into shapes mirroring the interior of the uterus...."
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
We should all send him an email
Here's his email address: robert.sparrow@arts.monash.edu.au
I'm going to send him an email with my thoughts about his proposals. You all should do the same. Let's see what he says.
In any case, can you imagine the uproar if anyone said "IVF users should try to pick boys since they are more than girls?"
If you look at social development, group dynamics, and most importantly genetic variability, a society of men would progress further and faster than a society of women due to having more extremes (the gifted to advance society and the ungifted to be used by society).
Men would win, once again...
Did it ever occur to this
Did it ever occur to this moron that the reason women live longer is because men make that possible? They do the hard and heavy lifting, dangerous and deadly jobs. They also have more opportunities for the same reasons: Men make that possible. They have yielded and given up those opportunities for them.
Now, think about it: what will happen when it's only women living in the future? Who's going to free them from the everyday hard and heavy tasks that must be done? Not any soap-opera/Opera watching class of women who sit around complaining about no one doing their "honey-do" lists. Think they will be living longer then?!
Additionally, when all women have the so-called "more opportunities," they will no longer be a special group with more opportunities - they will be the only group.
As much as people want to complain about it, a class structure is what makes society work.
A man-only society provides more of that than a woman-only society.
Comare these two
Let's see about this diphead's theory.
Take Amy Winehouse and put her up against, oh let's see...Jack Lalanne. Jack is about 95 and I'd bet that he still outlives little miss Winehouse.
This guy is not an "evolutionary" anything
No-one with a background in Ev.Psych would ever say "women could rule the world as hermaphrodites", as specialists in that and related fields such as biology, have discovered that the separate sexes developed in the first place primarily so that there would be a group (men) who could serve as "genetic filters" to weed out bad genes. And in fact without such a group, the whole species would probably die out.
Can anyone cite some examples where ev psychs speak out against men or the male sex? If they can it's not Steve Moxon. Read his book.
Self-Loathers Begone!
God! I hate self-loathing feminist males!
Dr Robert Sparrow is a total birdbrain.
manonthestreet I have heard
I have heard this idea expressed in one form or another quite often. I regard this sort of discussion as a 'softening up' process - preparing the way for some future implementation. The social erosion of maleness would lead naturally to the the idea of the desirability of the physical extinction of men. This would be an overwhelmingly attractive idea to feminists, and who knows may be to all women in general. People can argue that this would not be a good thing, or would not work. But such arguments are not guaranteed to prevail. Feminist values are now the predominant ideological force within Western Culture. I see no reason to believe that these feminist ideas will not be taken to their own self consistent conclusion. That is the driving out of men and maleness will lead to the conclusion of the desirability of a society and world without men. This after all is just a development of the 'final solution' and eugenics generally which is not a new phenomena.
disturbingly true
"Feminist values are now the predominant ideological force within Western Culture"
100% correct.
Dr robert sparrow is a very
Dr robert sparrow is a very disturbed and twisted academic.
Men have liberated women into their current life span longevity.
This man is perverse, and a stain on the school where he teaches.
MALE = Geniuses
I agree with what an earlier post said: it's a SCIENTIFIC FACT that MALES are more prone to GENIUS.
So a society without males is definitely lacking in progress, innovation, and mental superiority..
Sorry, feminists. FACE THE FACT. I can hear them sulking at this haha... Men and women are meant to live in a society together, and work alongside each other--for better or worse.
Self-loathing academic prostitute
Hermaphrodite:/ Noun / The term comes from the name of the minor Greek god Hermaphroditus, who was the SON of Hermes and Aphrodite. Ironically your notion of the creature to replace men is actually a man with a vagina not a woman with a penis. Making more of a nonsense of your speech is this - hermaphrodites in nature actually cannot self-breed, simply taking turns in each role, and therefore requiring 2 different hermaphrodites to reproduce.
Tongue in cheek: / adjective / 1933/ : promulgation of propaganda based on a flight of fancy designed to keep the radical feminists and manginas who control university academics' funding happy, even at the expense of their own reputation and to the great detriment of the once respected principle of academic integrity.
" increasing people's IQ or life expectancy for example, you have to ask why we shouldn't all be girls"
This is your most shameful comment. You have to be aware of the actual distribution curve for intelligence that clearly distributes male intelligence over a greater range than female, creating more male halfwits and more male genuises than women. Your comments were designed to obliquely follow the prevailing paradigm in academia that girls are smarter than boys, despite their having an exactly equal average IQ and despite boys being 4 times more likely to have a high IQ (defined as the 2nd standard deviation and above).
You are nothing more than a self-loathing academic prostitute, and a not very good one at that.
Well, I sent him an email.
It reads:
I just read an article on theage.com.au which said that you said that a post sex world would be ideal, and that humans should all be female. I don't know what kind of crack you're smoking, but let me set you straight. First off, sex is something that allows for better mental and physical health in both men and women, and it's also proven that it increases life expectancy. If you were to eliminate this, you would actually shorten the average life span. Second, your theory about girl babies having more opportunities in life, as well as women having higher IQs on average are also a huge load (you forgot to take into account that men's IQs delve into the higher and lower ranges of the spectrum, but overall it is a bell-curve and the average is the same). The only reason females would have more opportunities is thanks to the male gender. Eliminate this, and you create a society of all one class, one class that's unwilling to do some of the stuff the male gender currently takes care of. Third, it's possible for artificial wombs to be created. Men could just as easily live in a female-less world. Fourth, the male gender is necessary for the economy of the world to function. If it weren't for men, construction, firefighting, and other fields like that would be severely understaffed. Disasters would end up claiming more lives, as rescue workers would be scarcer and less skilled, thus DECREASING life expectancy. It makes me sick that so-called scholars such as yourself would look at men as nothing more than sperm banks. It's all right if you suffer from transgender syndrome and want to be a woman, but please keep your whack job gendercidal theories to yourself.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Good letter xtrnl, only one flaw
You say,
"the male gender is necessary for the economy of the world to function. If it weren't for men, construction, firefighting, and other fields like that would be severely understaffed. Disasters would end up claiming more lives"
But, the capitalist economy is a creation of the patriarchy and would thus not exist in a post-male utopia. The free market and cash would be replaced by simple bartering, which is a "female model" anyway due to the networking aspect of it. And, we would not have the need for firefighters, since all fires are either started by men, or their wives when the man hits them and knocks the cigarette of of the woman's mouth (and other similar scenarios). And needless to say, all disasters, even natural ones which are linked to global warming, have already been proven to be due to men. Finally, women could perform any necessary "construction" tasks merely by using gummy-bears to periodically shore up existing structures, obviating the need to build new ones.
You know, ax, for a second there, I thought you were serious. ^_^
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
plan to get the AW up and running
I was wondering how we would get the Artificial Womb done even with these feminazi controlled universities and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to hide the real goal of the research.
Three different kinds of research would be needed:
-The first, more important, researching the middle and end part of the gestation, will provide the knowledge about what is necessary to maintain an artificial gestation that can be disguised as research on a device to help premature babies (it will also help premies, of course, but that´s just not the only goal) similar to the research done by Dr. Yoshinori Kuwabara of the Juntendo University in Japan which I have have the papers about procedings and results (if anyone want it get in touch with me and I´ll be happy to share such an important information). Another feature of the research will be methods of providing stimuli like voice, heart beat and so on that are necessary for the baby developmentand even provide more stimuli than the natural womb making the AW more atractive (something that can´t be overlooked if we want that to be really used)
-The second investigates the beggining of pregnancy (which already made a good progress in mice by Dr. Hung-chung Liu of the Cornell University) and we can disguise it as research to help infertile women by creating an enviroment that can allow the embryo to develop and then be transfered to the mother´s womb just like she did. It´s important to stress that you DON´T want something that will make women unnecessary to reproduction.
-The last one involves male lactation because babies need it for bonding after the birth and for nutrition. I´m sure men can lactate because the mammary glands are the same but are just not stimulated because of hormonal differences and so all we need to do is find a way to "turn it on". I don´t know exactly how to desguise this (maybe with research on induction of lactation on women to understand the principles and research on supression of testosterone in men).
If you have other ideas on researches needed or how to get them done it´s time to say.The way things are going we need the AW as soon as possible.
Are you guys ready for a rush of researchers on pregnancy and breastfeeding? I am.
A man, and proud of it