Teenage murderess gets probation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 19-year-old woman who fatally stabbed her boyfriend during an argument was sentenced to probation and ordered to go through a treatment program to address her methamphetamine addiction.

Washoe District Judge Robert Perry warned Ana Padua on Friday that if she did not successfully complete her 2- to 10-year probation complete a drug treatment program, she would be facing a 20-year prison sentence.

Earlier this year, Padua pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter with a deadly weapon for killing Joseph Alan Robb, 35, who was a boyfriend for about a week. She was held in the Washoe County Jail until space opens at a local drug treatment center.'

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After reading this I thought about the guy who could theoretically go to prison for 50 years because he owes $12,000 in child support.


"Courage and consistency
bravery and valor
honor and pride
for what was it worth"

[Dimmu Borgir]

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