Israel: New criminal code means women can be charged with rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Women may soon be able to be charged with rape. Last Sunday the Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a change to the criminal code, which would allow women to be charged with the rape of minors or adults.

The proposed law, introduced by MK Zevulun Orlev (National Union - National Religious Party), would broaden the definition of rape, statutory rape, and sex crimes involving family members. According to Orlev amendments, these crimes would also apply to cases where a woman forces a minor to have sex with her.
It seems as though the ministry changed course upon learning of the case in Netivot, where a mother forced two of her sons, aged 8 and 11, to have intercourse with her. Even though the woman confessed to the accusations, the prosecution's indictment was based on indecent acts and child abuse, since no more serious criminal charges were available.'

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