WalesOnline: The last taboo

Story here. Excerpt:

'Men suffering domestic violence at the hands of women say they feel isolated and ignored by a society that appears not to take it seriously.

They feel emasculated and embarrassed about discussing the issue with friends and often suffer in silence.

Home Office figures show one in six men will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives.
“Violence by women against men is still a taboo. People can talk about paedophilia and that has a media profile, this does not.”'

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The problem is that that terminology sounds like it's equating the problem with the previous "last taboo", that is, DV against women. This equating of the two makes it appear that men are challenging women with some sort of newfound victim status.

Bad move. The MR movement should not be about competition over who is more "victimized". It makes us look bad, and besides women's superior status in that area is sealed for all ethernity.

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