Shared Parenting Poll

Parade magazine's poll is published across the nation. Please vote now. The question is: 'Should divorced dads get equal time with their kids?'. Excerpt:

"Despite a shift toward shared custody over the last 20 years, up to half of fathers lose contact with their kids after a divorce. “In 85% of divorces, fathers get just two weekends a month and a couple of hours during the week,” says Mike McCormick of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children."

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Just now it said 60 to 40 per cent in favor of "yes". That 40% is a disconcertingly high number..I wonder what it could mean? Maybe that 40% of Americans are dumbos who don't know how to raise kids?


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The poll has let me vote a few times, it's likely just people voting numerous times.

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to assume that they can base the after divorce conditions upon the before divorce conditions will screw most men.
if you had a stay at home mom and a working dad, he is going to get the short end of the stick.

the drive should be for equal time. PERIOD.
If that means mom has to go get a job - well good.
If that means dad has to make arrangements with his employer so he can be there for the kids. well, good!

if both parents are getting equal time, and this is being ENFORCED by the courts, then there should be no requirement for one parent to pay the other.

oregon dad

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After I voted, it said it was 61 to 39% in favour of yes. I'm actually surprised that the percentage for no isn't higher, given that the family courts are so corrupt in the states, and that men are slandered as fathers left right, and center. I suppose 39% is a rather high number, but at least the idiots are losing the poll, and by more than 10%. That's a victory in my book.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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