Christina Hoff Sommers: Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?
This article was written by Sommers and appears in the March/April 2008 issue of the online magazine, The American. Excerpt:
"These proposed solutions assume a problem that might not exist. During her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton has noted that “women comprise 43 percent of the workforce but only 23 percent of scientists and engineers” and insists that government take “diversity into account when awarding education and research grants.” But what is the basis for this and other attempts to balance the statistics? If numerical inferiority were sufficient grounds for charges of discrimination or cultural insensitivity, Congress would be holding hearings on the crisis of underrepresentation of men in higher education. After all, women earn most of the degrees—practically across the board. What about male proportionality in the humanities, social sciences, and biology? The physical sciences are the exception, not the rule."
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The Answer is Simple
Men are more predisposed to higher math due to the regimintation that it requires. There are a few other reasons, but one needs to study anthropology and psychology to delve further. Needless to say that toads of the system like clinton and others will stoop to very low levels to try and divide and conquer. Study up!
David A. DeLong
The worms are at work
American science academics are well used to having their brainpower put to the test. Now it looks like their backbones are about to have the same challenge. Let's hope they are up to it, because if not, you are going to see the collapse of the US as a world force in technical innovation.
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women
it acts just like a computer virus - feminism
corrupts everything it touches. distorts, shuts down, destroys.
the more it contaminates, the less quality output we see.
call on qualified people that can fix it?
sorry, they're afraid to even say it exists.
looks like a complete wipe, re-boot or complete restart and new clean software
is all that might fix it.
no clean software available anymore? contaminated? not allowed?
re-boot not about to happen? never seen a complete shutdown and start up before.
doesn't sound pretty.
uh oh, we're screwed.
Did Hoff Sommers miss it too?
The article starts out with "Women earn most of America’s advanced degrees".
Isn't that itself an issue that needs to be addressed? Maybe H. Sommers did address it - I was too lazy to read the rest of the article.