Obama speech: Girls today know "women can do anything...better" than boys
Submitted by Roy on Fri, 2008-06-27 20:59
Front and center on the home page of msnbc.msn.com you can watch a video clip of Obama's speech today at the big "unity" appearance with Hillary.
Obama says that because of Ms. Clinton, girls today know that "women can do anything that the boys can do... and do it better... and do it in heels!"
Who is writing Obama's speeches, which are getting stupider by the week?
Ed. note: Reported in MSM here. Also, you can hear the comments in question at the 6:30 mark of the video clip linked above.
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This bigotry and misandry needs exposure throughout the MSM.
On top of it, he said this at an elementary school! What are the young boys suppose to think?
The war against boys has now infiltrated the mind of possibly the next president of the United States.
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"
[Rolling Stones]
Obama is a misandric self-loather?
Huge suprise! I thought he was God's gift to the world?
Oh, well....life is full of false gods with feet of clay.
Obama Shopping the Obama-Clinton Ticket
Obama is shopping the Obama-Clinton Ticket to see if it sells.
begs the question
So maybe Hillary should have won - Obama can turn over the reigns to her, since she can do better than him.
I wonder how long before Obama confesses that he really is a woman. I've never seen a presidential candidate kiss so much female ass in my life. Now I hope McCain wins.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Time to write a letter
I'll be writing a letter to good old Obama that will underscore the fact that he has lost my vote due to his misandry. It's bad enough that he said it...but to say this at a school with a bunch of impressionable boys present. Disgusting.
Dr. Evil @ SYG Cites Mensactivism Thread
The esteemed Dr. E., mod at Stand Your Ground, cited this thread and reinforced our observations that Obama is becoming a fembot.
Don't get too swellheaded, because traffic over at SYG is not crashing their server lately.
Still, it's nice to get kudos for an early scoop.
If McCain chooses Lieberman I might actually vote for him. Especially since he has shown somewhat of an ability to reach out to the left, like with his "green" proposals. There's a lot of things Republicans do that I don't normally agree with, like cutting taxes leading to lack of services and programs for the poor; but this time around I'm seriously weighing that vs. misandry and, mainly, increased liberal PC fascism.
The elimination of misandry and PC fascism will mainly have to come from the bottom up.
quote : [...]like cutting
quote : [...]like cutting taxes[...]
depends on how taxed you are in the first place.
an overtaxed population who gets tax drops will be more likely to actually pay them, increasing revenue in the long run.