CNN Video: 3 teachers, 3 sex scandals

Video report here.

"Prime News" reports on a flurry of teacher sex scandals, one allegedly involving eight members of a school baseball team."

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Psychologist comments that they are are "developmentally delayed". The defense lawyer interviewed said she would use an "emotional disturbance" defense if she were defending one of them.

All right, men, just try that and see what happens-- as the police investigator points out, if these were men, they'd be "buried under the jail". Yes, thankfully the interviewer bravely raises the double-standard issue and the police investigator went right into it. And, the defense lawyer actually called them what they are: pedophiles. This is progress from the reporting standpoint but alas, not progress in terms of stopping it.

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male politicos everywhere screaming about not being able
to execute MEN who rape children. making new laws everyday
to try to get around the supreme court's ruling. trying to make
political hay over tragedy, as usual.

on the other hand, only in recent years have police even starting arresting
women for raping children. and they constantly try to find endless excuses
for them, calling it "having relationships" w/ the children. using lesser charges.
and precious few of these female predators EVER see any real jail time.
especially the pretty ones.

imho the right to take a life should be taken away from the courts entirely.
didn't always believe that way. but these days i am more wise, and see that
these courts care about only one thing...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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The female shrink also said that the "mindset of these types of women is thrill-seeking... they're not considering the consequences of their actions..."

Isn't that pretty much the "normal" mindset of a typical American female?

I would dispute that these women are in any fundamental sense deviant. They just represent the extreme side of normalcy for their gender.

When you consider that nearly 30% of DNA tests reveal that the daddy is not the real daddy - meaning his wife/partner cheated on him - why would anyone be surprised by career female child molesters?

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