Update on the DC Festival 2008 in Support of Equal Parenting Rights and Family Preservation

Via email from Angela Pedersen: The DC Festival 2008 in Support of Equal Parenting Rights and Family Preservation is on!

Under the leadership of Lary Holland and numerous organizations the DC Festival 2008 will be held on August 15 and 16 in Washington, D.C.

If you belong to an organization please be sure to send your letter of support to Lary Holland. Information on how to do this and why we need your letters of support is listed here.

Organizations that already support this effort are:
1) Fathers4Justice
2) Dads and Moms of Michigan
3) A Child's Right
4) Equal Parenting Bike Trek Crew
5) Split-N-Two
7) United Civil Rights Council of America
8) Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO)
9) Shared Parenting Works
10) Father's Rights Coalition
and many, many more. You can view a constantly updating list on the main page for the DC Festival 2008 here.

Send your letter of support and commitment for turnout to have your organization listed!

Send this letter to: laryholland-at-sbcglobal.net.

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