Obama's Web Site Repeats N.O.W. Statistics

Obama's recent Father's Day speech vilifying dads got me wondering what more is on his official web site. To be brief, his entries under "Issues" for women and families might have been copied directly from the National Organization for Women.

Obama's site repeats the "1-in-4 women will be abused" myth, along with the "77-cents on the dollar" pay gap fiction. If elected, he pledges to create a new $25 million DV fund to create "partnerships" between DV agencies and Fatherhood programs. He applauds the progress made from VAWA.

He supports a Responsible Fatherhood & Healthy Families Act that will "crack down" on men in arrears for child support.

Other pledges are to more aggressively promote women in science and math, support passage of an Equal Pay Act, and further strengthen Title IX.

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Obama is frantic to court the millions of women who are upset that Hillary lost.

This is bad news for us.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Given Obama's far left credentials, I have always believed that Obama would out-gender-feminist Hillary if he got into office. Good research. Isn't it ironic that Obama will finally bring American men to full slave status? Under such onerous laws as he is proposing, all men will soon be living under gender feminist, Jim Crow misandry.

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It's never too late to placate the feminists!

"After taking primary season criticism over the number of women in its upper ranks, the campaign of Barack Obama has significantly ramped up its hiring of women in senior staff positions.

The move appeared aimed, in part, at reversing what one top aide said was a "bit of a bad rap" for running a male-dominated campaign organization.

Prominent women activists said that, through the primary season, they had taken note of a gender imbalance in the campaign’s top echelon, particularly when compared to that of Hillary Rodham Clinton's operation, but were pleased to see the presumptive Democratic nominee hiring more women."

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"Prominent women activists said that, through the primary season, they had taken note of a gender imbalance in the campaign’s top echelon, particularly when compared to that of Hillary Rodham Clinton's operation..."

Let me guess, It's not a problem if they disproportionately hire too many women. Nah, no problem there - not even worth mentioning - ever.

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In the days before the civil rights movement, under Jim Crow laws, blacks were considered "separate but equal" under the law. In the deep South (and other places) there were water fountains and restrooms just for blacks. Blacks were required to ride at the "back of the bus," but it was considered that they had equal access to transportation water fountains, restrooms, etc. Of course, the "equal" was not always as nice.

Today in America, under domestic violence law, all men are not even equal to women. They are separated out from equal protection guaranteed under the 14th amendment and then not even treated equally in other ways. According to the actual wording of domestic violence law in CA, domestic violence shelter and services are just for women. Men have taxation without representation. Men are 2nd class citizens.

Domestic violence law is just one example. There are many other areas in our government, in our society, where males are treated separately and unequally. Selective service is just one other example. Barack Obama's Father's Day speech would provide another example of the misandry. Given what Barack Obama is proposing on his website, I think American men are looking forward to some horribly oppressive times in their lives, when he becomes President.

Separate, but unequal as many men are today, is certainly a form of Jim Crowism.

Jim Crow Misandry

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He is out to capture as many of the Clinton feminist extremists as possible.

Therefore he will cite the same falsehoods that Hillary had on her website....I'm suprised he just doesn't link to her website...

but I guess he does have to spend all that money he has and this would be one way to use some of it.

oregon dad

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I find it very ironic that a black male, a man who has endured just about every version of discrimination in his lifetime is now joining the ranks of feminists in propagating misandry even moreso than it already has been. This moron must actually think that Gloria Steinem's claim that women are more oppressed than black males is true. My God! Someone take this man to a prison where several black males were wrongly imprisoned for rape just because they were labelled thugs as a result of their race and gender. Maybe then he'll grow a pair and gain some sense.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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