India: Domestic violence act to be reviwed

India plans to review the domestic violence act in wake of serious criticism about the act.

My blog mentions the major criticisms of Domestic Violence law.

While not much can be expected out of the conference planned by the government. It is first time that there is talk now in the government about the misuse of the Domestic violence act which is important. Of course the battle will take years with the improvements in every country acting as positive loop.

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Perhaps, backward countries like america and great britian can take the lead from more fair minded India in restoring fairness and sanity to law. Congratulations to India for apparently taking a hard look at the tyranny and injustice that has been coming out of corupt, evil, gender feminist, domestic violence laws. You are a beacon of hope in a dark sea of gender feminist, evil laws. I salute you.

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That's exactly right.

Congrats to all those men out there who fought hard to get attention to this while the feminist groups tried to push the gender-specific law without scrutiny, which is what they have done repeatedly in the U.S.

You said it, MR. They are EVIL.

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every time in the past that i can remember when a government said something about a review of feminist type injustice it just gets diluted or fades away, or gets twisted to somehow make matters worse.

always hope and pray for the best, but for me, i'll wait and see.

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Theres saying "latho ke bhoot baato se nahin maante" meaning the The Evil ghosts do not go away by mere words. But then we are aware that the review if it happens will be cosmetic. But then atleast credit to the Govt that it recognised that problem exists .

We have atleast 100,000 votes which we can influence in the country a small number yet still not so small that it cannot affect marginal constituencies . But a volunteer force of 15000 is very much attractive to any political party.

The situation is slightly different becuase of the laws the indian women started suffering becuase of the joint family systems and many of the feminists( they have now become mother in laws and fear the laws irrespective of public posturing ) Themselves are facing these DV and dowry cases against themselves.

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You've done so much hard work out there. Thank you and everyone else for being an inspiration. This will be a long,hardbattle. We will in no way succeed overnight. Your quote about the evil ghosts is exactly right.

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