Men Forced to Pay Allimony to Child Murderer, and Child Support to Rapist

Story here. Excerpt:

"New Jersey appeals court recently ruled that an ex-wife who brutally killed the son she had with her ex-husband does not automatically lose the right to collect alimony from him.

Linda Calbi is currently in prison, serving a 3-year term for beating her 14-year-old son Matt to death. She will be eligible for parole in November 2008..."

This case reminds me a lot of one I previously read about in which a woman had sexual intercourse with a man while he was drunk and unconscious, then bragged to some friends of hers that she had saved herself a trip to the sperm bank. When a man has sex with a drunk and unconscious woman, few people have trouble calling it what it is: rape.

The woman who had sex with an unconscious man in lieu of going to the sperm bank got pregnant, as she intended, and then sued the man for child support. The court ordered him to pay it.

This is just another example of how ridiculously misandrist the U.S. judicial system is. Apparently a woman can murder her own son and still receive alimony from the father, while in prison, no less. If this isn't bad enough, a woman was also awarded child support after she raped a man and became pregnant with his child. Excuse me while I go throw up.

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you would have to be a real whack job to be able to make up scenarios that our "honorable" and "just" family courts issue as justice on a daily basis. this has been going on for decades. they have perverted every part of justice trying to make sure women get whatever they want. it is just being brought to everyone's attention thanks to the Internet. and every day i see proposals from different groups trying to restrict free speech on the net. wonder why?

you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. a good tree will bear good fruit and a bad tree will... well we see that, don't we. this is Biblical type stuff, but still holds so true today, and on a Biblical scale, and usually some kind of terrible plague/disaster followed this scale of evil.

what kind of boat Lord? HOW BIG?

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I was truly disgusted when I read this article. I can't believe that murderers are allowed to collect allimony from the father of the kid they murdered; if they're female that is. I can't believe that women can actually rape a man and then collect child support when they become pregnant. Come to think of it, she could have made the whole thing up, and got pregnant with some other dude. It seems a lot of females lie through their teeth now because they know they can get away with it, even if the lies portray truly dispicable acts. Don't get me wrong, she probably did rape the man. But either way, the outcome was in her favour. Or should I say, the outcome was in their favour. The bitches got their ex-ball-and-chain and mommy-and-baby-support highway robbery fund from their murder victim's parent and their rape victim. Only a corrupt legal system would allow for such injustice. A true violation of human rights, indeed. BTW, I know what you mean daveinga. A world where evil is tolerated because of gender-bias? Definitely Satan's doing. Who else would rejoice in such BS? I mean besides his many Feminazi servants?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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