Molson Replies Regarding Misandric Ad

Well, fellow MRAs, I finally got a response from Molson regarding their misandrist Molson Canadian ad. Here's the response I got:

Dear Evan:

We appreciate the time you have taken to share your concerns over our recent Molson Canadian advertisement and we welcome the opportunity to respond. The ad was intended to be funny in nature and it was never our intention to offend anyone with our advertising. We understand there will be differences of opinion and no advertising campaign will suit everyone's taste, just as no product will appeal to everyone.

The bottom line is this: we hear you. We know going forward that while we will never please all of the people all of the time, we must consider all the various opinions and weigh them when approaching advertising from year to year. We will continue to work to find the balance between our broad spectrum of consumers. To that end, we will ensure our marketing and advertising executives review all consumer comments for our advertising for consideration in the development of new advertisements. If you have other questions or comments, Evan, please contact us again either by e-mail at or by calling the Consumer Information Center Hotline at: 1-800-665-7661. The center is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, and the staff will welcome your comments.

Sophia J. Guerrero
Consumer Information Representative
Consumer Relations

That's not quite the response I was hoping for, but at least they agreed to take this into consideration when making new advertisements. That is a small victory, IMO.

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Words are cheap, action is what matters. If we never see misandry from them again, that's one thing. But I suspect we'll see more misandry from them in the future...

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I'll be sure to fire off some more angry emails. Something tells me they'll remember me next time too. I agree, this is not quite the response I had hoped for, but at least now they know that advertisements like the one we're discussing, do not actually help to sell the product.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If this took placed in Canada isn't there something called a Human Right Tribunal where a person or group of people can seek redress against intimidation and slander because of race, sex and national origin? Sue the bastards@

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Good work! We all appreciate the effort.


Canadian beer sucks!

However your whiskey is the best. Aging whiskey in barrels that were once used to store sherry is pure brilliance.


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I'm not sure why some of you guys are so positive about some aspect of the response.

Basically the response can be divided into two parts:

1) The first part is essentially a boiler-plate blow-off - OF COURSE they did not intend to offend anyone - if they did, they'd lose part of their market share. When companies show misandric commercials it is NEVER their INTENT to offend anyone. The point to get across to Molson is that the ad is misandric, and contributes to spreading of contempt for men. It is not an issue of offending individual people.

2) The second part is just rhetoric designed to appease. Okay, so they'll consider all what?? For all we know, they're getting lots of positive comments. And I'm sure they already know that typically, women like these kind of ads, and guys are so used to this type of thing that they don't give a shit. That's the job of their Marketing find out what pleases the masses. Not what pleases a few stray individuals.

I'm not saying we shouldn't write to them; in fact I will call them tomorrow myself(they're probably closed right now since it's after 5 p.m. EST). I'm just saying to be realistic about the responses we get from unethical people who work for unethical marketing departments in unethical companies such as Molson.


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[xtrnl not external.] My spell check changes your name.

I'm toasting your effort with a chilled glass of Crown Royal! In case anyone is wondering I'm not a drunk but I do like to "wet my whistle" with some fine liquor on occasion.


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There's obviously a script all these companies stick to dutifully when anyone has a problem with their crap ads. The same exact phrases are used: "intended to be funny" and "never our intention to offend." Blah.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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"Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights"...a very profound statement I also adhere to.


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Phase 2 involves the female version of their flash game, and our version of the ad. But instead of hockey, let's make it tennis or racquetball or something. That ought to grab their attention. And we'll tell them they were the inspiration behind it. Then we sick the feminists on them. Can you guys tell that I'm good at chess and poker? lol

P.S. Ax, you're right. I'm sorry I was so positive about what was obviously just some fancy words. The ad is still running. We have to get rid of it. BTW, I'll look into that human rights idea. Wouldn't that be hilarious if I could use the same corrupt legal system to profit off of man-hate for once? lmao. Good suggestion.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Discretionary purchases by consumers especially Beer. Which is a product Males consume a lot of. Is stupid to piss on your customers. I would suggest a simple but effective strategy. Buy some Beer of their competitor,save the Receipt and mail it to them. Saying this could have been Moslon Beer, instead it was Samuel Adams, or a competitive product. Since you don't want my business. I just wanted to let you know I no longer want your products.

Send them receipts in the mail. This will stun them that Men are switching or refusing to buy their product. We have no obligation to purchase the products of those who think Men are animals. Let them be sustained by all the Feminists.

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Good suggestion, hannibal. That would be a huge slap in the face for them. I guess if I'm gonna buy beer, it's gonna be kokanee! I've always been a kokanee kinda guy. I'll go out and buy a 24 pack of it, then mail them the receipt like you suggested. But I still think we should immitate their ad and flash game too. That would really put some piss in their corn flakes so to speak.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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You nailed it, Hannibalbarca. I have long advocated that the way to deal with misandric companies is to boycott their products and, most importantly, tell them you are boycotting them, and exactly why. Your idea of mailing them the receipts from competitors is an excellent additional twist. A mere letter or email soon gets ignored or tossed in the trash. But seeing the sales they are losing will pull them up short.

Here is further idea. You don't have to spend your hard-earned money to make the point. Ask friends and relatives to keep their receipts too, and give them to you. Or even pick them up off the floor of stores etc. Get hold of them any way you can. If you know someone who is a cashier in a store, they might be able to ring some "dummy" sales through the till then cancel them. No real sale, but you will have receipts. Collect a pile of them, then send them to the offending company. They don't have to know that many of them are not actually "protest" purchases. Don't worry about the deceit - they have no hesitation in deceiving you, and the enemies of men use deceit as their stock-in-trade. All that matters here is the impact.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Just a postscript to my last comment.

Be careful that you identify a real competitor to the offending company. In these days of globals and massive conglomerates, there are many cases of "rival" products that in reality are manufactured by companies in common ownership behind the facade.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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Send them lots of receipts in one envelope, then mail it "Return Receipt Requested". The post office has forms and stickers for doing this that you put on the envelope. It's not that much work and should cost less than $2 (although it might be a little higher if you mail to Canada).

R.R.R. means someone at Molsons will sign for the letter, prior to opening it; then the P.O. mails the receipt Molson signed back to you, showing that they got the letter and signed for it. I think this would be a litte more likely to get their attention than just sending a bare envelope.

Another idea is to mail a small box of competitors' bottle caps :-)


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This is important. My emailed response from Molsons in response to my complaint came from an account that mentioned COORS. Looks like the two are affiliated. Sending them receipts for a purchase of Coors beer as a protest towards Molsons would give them quite a chuckle.

Also it wouldn't hurt to mention that you heard about it from this site. We need to get the word out there that men are starting to organize and that we will be starting to wield some power and influence.

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The UPC product codes would be a good substitute to send them if saving receipts is too much bother. Tell them that the codes came from a rivals product. They can check them out on their own UPC code reader. The code identifies the product, the size, where it was purchased (sometimes), and other details. Many times there is a small product logo near the code too.

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