Mike Nifong Bankrupt

The wages of sin... bankruptcy. Read it here. Excerpt:

'JANUARY 15--Disgraced and disbarred, Mike Nifong is now bankrupt. The former North Carolina prosecutor, whose career imploded with his botched handling of the Duke University rape case, today filed for bankruptcy, listing liabilities in excess of $180 million.'

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Comes all the way back around! Lol. I'm glad to hear that another mangina bites the dust.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Any donations to help Mr. Nifong would be greatly appreciated. Check out my new site supporting this pillar of justice. [ www.scumfong.com]. I also took the liberty to donate some nutritious food for his family. 40bs of spam has been sent to his new home. Apparently he's in danger of losing his home and might end up living in a refrigerator box in an alley behind a Home Depot. Please be generous in supporting Mr. Nifong's new career as a maintenance specialist. Cleaning windshields on street corners is a noble profession.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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These "missplaced protector" males are quite simmilar in alot of characteristics!!

1.. very desperate
2... very insecure, go with the flow males!!
3...will do anything for the attention of the women!!

These men are not the desperate, but harmless eunech's that we think they are!!
But as we shall see,they will get theirs!!

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So the Duke boys have put claims into this lying scumbag to the tune of $180m? Excellent news. Now how about tossing this piece of human jetsam into debtors prison, alongside all those fathers or putative fathers who can't pay exorbitant child- and mother-support? It might complete Nifong's retarded education to be forced to spend a few years listening to their stories.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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So he goes through bankruptcy and all his debts ($180M) is gone. So where's the justice?

Now he can start over fresh. Think he'll have trouble making money again? I suspect not. How many feminist organizations would love to have his kind working for them, giving them legal guidance, whether he's certified by the bar or not?

Just think of all the money past presidents and congressmen make after they leave office and get jobs as speakers and lobbyists and members of corporate boards.

No, Nifong will do fine. As a lawyer and bureaucrat, he knows how to work the system. If not, there are plenty of others like him who can advise him, and no doubt already have.

This is the first step.

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America's misandrist legal system is a disgrace to justice as the corrupt and evil Duke lacrosse, falsely accused, rape case underscores. This happens all too often in man-hating America.

I don't consider a day in jail to be adequate time for the crime of conspiring in falsely accusing rape,

Imprison Feminist Gangsters

and as far as any false accuser of rape.

Prosecute False Accusers

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While men are cheering over the demise of the guilty "male party" the "female" once again gets away with a false rape accusation.

This country is ready and willing to hang men but even speak of criticizing a woman and suddenly "This isn't a zero sum game."

I'm still waiting for man-hating women to start getting hung out to dry right along with the corrupt men that work for them.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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What really bugs me about this maggot is that as far as I know has never apologized for what he did. I guess you would have at least a shred of moral character to do that.

I just hope his wife sues him for divorce and takes what little he has left after his victims have had their share.

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That would be ironic. He'd get screwed by the same misandric laws he tried to profit of off. I love it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The Race Hustlers have bailed on him. The Feminists have done nothing to help him out. Not one thin dime to defray his legal costs. Is a Divorce coming soon too? Nifong who championed the Feminists and Race Issue has been left to twist slowly in the Wind while the Crows pick his bones clean. This is an object lesson to the Male Feminists Enablers and Manginas. You may support Feminists but when the chips are down. They will do nothing for you. ZERO, ZIP, Zilch. You are expendable. That is an important lesson to be taken from this.

With the release in Dallas recently of the 15th Man for a Rape he did not commit. After serving 26 years in Prison. And with 450 other cases under review. Nifong is not alone in his wrongful prosecution of Men for Sex crimes. It seems all you need to be guilty in the Feminized US Courts is a Penis. And you are by default a Rapist. Innocence, Evidence do not seem to matter.

We had in San Jose California recently a Doctored document intended to convict a Man of Rape. It was a work of Fiction. The DA declared the phony DNA document a "Honest Mistake". Hell if thats an honest mistake, I would hate to see a Dishonest Mistake.

Judge Robert H. Dierker who has written a book about the Tyranny of our Judicial System by Feminists and the Left. Has also painted an ugly picture of the Criminal Justice and Judicial System. We should realize there are many more Nifongs out there.

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This is an object lesson to the Male Feminists Enablers and Manginas. You may support Feminists but when the chips are down. They will do nothing for you. ZERO, ZIP, Zilch. You are expendable. That is an important lesson to be taken from this.

Quoted for Truth.

I don't notice any of the women or fast-talkers defending him now. Why? They already "used him" to get what they wanted. Yet another man taking up for women when obviously both he AND the woman have done wrong.

He's still the fallguy for women. This case is not only about the justice system being full of it; it's also about how easy it is for a woman to incite klan-like rape hysteria -- knowing she was never really raped -- and subsequently avoid being held responsible for her actions.

The majority of "men" on so-called MRA sites don't even mention her. The majority of men would rather whine about being fair with women(NOTE: This actually means not criticizing women or divulging their misandric tactics. It does not apply when the time to pay up -- like men must pay -- arrives. She -- and them men who coddle her -- loves equality when she is gaining something, but hates it when she has to give up something.) than hold women responsible for their actions.

Female domination is quite complete.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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