Who's Tired of Pink?

This is quite a misandrist harangue, IMO, by Erica Jong:

Who's Tired of Pink

"I am so tired of pink men buying bombs and cheating schools. I am so tired of pink men having wives who stand behind them and nod sagely on television. I am so tired of pink men expecting that someone--a brown, black, yellow or white woman--will trail behind them changing light bulbs, taking out garbage, washing laundry, keeping food in the house, taking care of kids of all ages, of parents of all ages. I am so tired of pink men whose wives double or triple the family income thinking they can spend it without doing a damn thing at home."

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The article is not even written well.

The run on sentences and bad punctuation is annoying. She sounds foreign the writing is so bad.

I used to say "get an education", but that doesn't really make sense being that some of the dumbest people today are considered "educated."

There are no facts present. Why am I not surprised?

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I was just about to post this link.

Usually I don't post stuff like this only because there is 1) so much of it, 2) rarely does it rise to this level of naked invective and 3) it usually doesn't find its way to mainstream publications (arguably the HuffPost is not a "mainstream" publication, but when you look at its traffic count and list of contributors, you may be inclined to think otherwise). Given though that the HuffPost is a heavily-trafficked web-site and often quoted and linked to, the very degree of brazen bald-faced bigotry showing up on such a public forum seemed itself newsworthy. The HuffPost people are it seems so secure that Jong's Nazi-like anti-male rant will win over hearts and minds that they go ahead and run it out of an act of desperation for their candidate-of-choice for the Demo nomination. Replace the references to "pink men" and indeed all those "other men" of "other colors" as well with references to, oh, take your pick, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, women, midgets, squirrels, trees, whatever, and you can be sure it never would have seen the light of day.

Erica Jong obviously thinks the world would be so much better without men, particular "pink ones", running about and causing so much trouble. But I rather think the world would be better off with far fewer bigots running around spewing bilious venom onto the masses.

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Look at the cheesy articles they keep writing. Look at how they are murdering men in droves under the false claim of "abuse." Look at how angry women are that men don't want them.

These are all signs of desperation. Women have done their dirt and finally someone called them on it. They don't know what to do so they lash out in the only way they ever have; like ignorant spoiled children.

They lie, project, shame, and cover to maintain the web of deceit they have spun for hundreds of years.

They still want men to be blind but men have finally opened their eyes. They can't control the internet, men created it as a tool for communication and freedom of speech. Women want to be the only ones speaking.

They are trying to censor programmers, bloggers and site owners but men are too smart. They can't stop the flooding because the gates have been thrown wide open. The new pro-male websites proclaiming the want -- and need -- for male freedom from matriarchal bondage is loud and clear. Women can't deal with it. Men have always been women's slaves and they can't see why this should change. Women never wanted this. Instead they wanted men to give "women" more of what "women" want. Equality be damned.

Men were supposed to keep giving and giving. To them women are special. They are after all our "masters." Or at least that is what they think. Now the magical glass women have been staring into -- while patting themselves on the back for being master thieves -- has developed a few cracks. It's not showing them what they want to see anymore. Women are angry. They are throwing tantrums and stomping their feet yelling "me, me, me!"

But men are listening anymore....

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Wow what a sexist, racist bitch.

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Strangely, I didn't see any mention of the Femi Klux Klan in this, IMO, racist, sexist and classist article:

"I am so tired of pink men telling women (of all colors) what to do with their wombs--which connect with their brains--in case you forgot."

Dads are entitled to choices too, IMO, as are babies, not just dictatorial women.

Equal Choices For Dads

"I am so tired of pink men buying bombs and cheating schools."

I'm sick and tired of all the female teachers who are brainwashing students in schools, colleges, and universities, according to a cultural Marxist, gender feminist political ideology/religion. I'm sick and tired of seeing our youth robbed of an education. I'm sick and tired of seeing misandrist propaganda like that in the above cited article, pass for curriculum.

Condemn Women's Studies Junk-Science

Condemn Women's Studies Male-Bashing

"I am so tired of pink men expecting that someone--a brown, black, yellow or white woman--will trail behind them changing light bulbs, taking out garbage, washing laundry, keeping food in the house, taking care of kids of all ages, of parents of all ages."

I'm sick and tired of men mowing lawns, fixing roofs, repairing plumbing, trimming trees, maintaining cars, painting, repairing electrical and a lot of other household repairs then being vilified by ignorant, biased, gender feminists.

"I am so tired of pink men whose wives double or triple the family income thinking they can spend it without doing a damn thing at home."

I'm tired of men working longer hours than women, taking dirty work to support their families, so much so, that they are 94% of industrial deaths and accidents (NIOSH), then are vilified by ignorant, biased, profane, gender feminists. Curiously, according to a little book called Pocketbook Power:

"Women make 88 percent of all U.S. retail purchases. Some experts even predict that, by 2020, women will control most of the money in America.

Women control 88 percent of all purchases.

Women handle 75 percent of family finances. 43 percent of those with assets over $500,000 are women.

One out of every 11 women in America owns a business.

Women influence two out of every three of the 3 trillion dollars spent in the U.S. each year!"

"I am so sick of pink men appointing their mediocre cronies to judgeships..."

I'm so sick and tired of the hate law known as the Violence Against Women Act, using my taxpayer dollars to misandristly/corruptly train judges through STOP grants.

Feminist Trained Judges Are Black Robed Bigots

"And by the way some brown men and tan men and wheaten men do these things too."

Oooh, how politically correct to getting around to including all those minority men, then bashing them along with all the "pink men." What's that called this week in PC speak, inclusive bigotry, or inclusive misandry?

"Don't tell me about women who kill. I know there are some--but fewer. So let's just remember our mothers--who bore us, protected us against our fathers and grandfathers and all the pink or brown men who wanted to rape us or kill us or starve us because we were girls."

I'll talk about the predominent "kid killers" anytime I feel like it. It's the female sex and you can't even begin to comprehend how tired I am of the misandrist lies coming from a deranged, gender feminist few from the female sex!

Child Maltreatment Fatalities 2005 from Health and Human Serivices, U. S.

"I have seen enough men in high office to last a lifetime. Let's give women a chance!"

How convenient for women who are the majority of the electorate (53%) to "opt out" of holding elected office, elect men, then blame men for all their problems. How hypocritical!

Please add to the above list of what makes you sick and tired from the lies and half truths presented in the above cited article.

I'm sorry if I missed refuting some items in that article. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired, because of all the misandrist abuse of men going on.

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"Wow what a sexist, racist bitch."

You forgot OLD.

Erica is 66, though you would never know from her photos on the web that date back to when she was attractive for two brief years.

Get ready for a tsunami wave of ancient wrinkled harpie feminists coming into the media limelight if Hillary gets elected.

I believe that seeing Hillary, Gloria, Kim, and Erica in HIGH DEF will be enough to end feminism.

There are not enough Photoshop geeks on the planet to make these girls look pretty again.

I know that makes me seem sexist.

But I just want to beautify the planet by booting these witches off the stage....

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I am so tired of spoiled bitches writing articles just for the sake of making men look bad and not even backing up anything said with facts. I am so tired of women who write like they're in the first grade, writing articles where every single sentence begins with the same five words. I am so tired of blatant racism and misandry being allowed in such an article. I am so tired of a person's own serendipity being the reason why there are less women killers than men killers (and we all know that's a huge load). I am so tired of women accusing all white men of being racist (which is hypocritically racist in itself), accussing them of wanting every other race to be their slave (which is also hypocritical considering it's clear that the woman who wrote the article wants men to be women's slaves). I am so tired of women spewing what is obviously a load of bullshit, I.E. A woman doubling the household income (which happens once in a blue moon), and the man spending the extra money (yeah.. like women would let men spend their money. The old what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine double standard). I am so tired of what is little more than an attempt to lump all white men into one category and defecate on them being presented as a factual article. I am so tired of the WKKK still being alive and well today and being able to find proof of that, like in said article, where in this case intead of black misandry, it's white misandry.

That's about all I have to say regarding this pile. Well, that and Oo Faced Biatch!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I believe that seeing Hillary, Gloria, Kim, and Erica in HIGH DEF will be enough to end feminism.

There are not enough Photoshop geeks on the planet to make these girls look pretty again.

I know that makes me seem sexist.

No, actually it makes you honest.

Edit: Why is everything in italics all of the sudden?

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Erica Jong???

I thought that misandric bitch died some time ago?

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Apparently, "pink" is the new "black"?

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Wow, I can't believe that even made it to the net, it looks as if a 4th grader wrote it. There isn't one single fact or even a reference to a fact.

More proof that women appeal to emotion only, and they will vote with that emotion, regardless of facts.

That is what makes the Feminist movement so scary, it is completly driven by emotion.

If Hillary is elected, we are in serious fukin trouble!

(Website url commin soon)

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Not a word I use often but in this case I'll make an exception. You know what I'm sick of? MISANDRY! Be careful with the Huffington Post. Its run by a woman who is a self admitted feminist. [Arianna Huffington] The sad reality, its an extremely popular website.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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"Usually I don't post stuff like this..."

Me either, but I found it on Drudge. That other site isn't even on my bookmarks list. After a quick check, I see it's no longer on Drudge.

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The only difference is that Dowd took grammar courses in school.


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According to this website, she writes about how we should really think that witches are good. She's not helping her cause. (Is that what you're referring to Roy?)

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...that this woman's bigotry and hatred still find a large and receptive audience.

I don't accept "political correctness" as a justification for racism, sexism or any other sort of hate. Sites and publications printing this woman's writing should be ashamed of themselves, as should she.

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on the Huffington Post site about the article. It was basically what I posted here, except toned down a little. Apparently, it was still too much for them. They never posted it. I guess it was too true for their liking.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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