Fathers 4 Justice and the Coalition of Free Men Expand Outreach

Fathers 4 Justice and the Coalition of Free Men Expand Outreach

Fathers' for Justice, L.A. and the National Coalition of Free Men, L.A. expanded their educational outreach in Los Angeles County today, with a rally in Columbia Park in Torrance, California. Once again, a significant number of folks read our big signs and stopped by to talk with us about "the issues." Even a couple of Torrance Park Rangers stopped by to say “hello” and find out more about us. Judging by the responses of the citizens of Torrance today, there appears to be a definite need for educational outreach through F4J and NCFMLA to those good people.

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Beatdead Dad's Graveyard

Within hours of this display being setup yesterday, one of the local F4J leaders got word from his next door neighbor that a close relative of the neighbor, a beaten down and disenfranchised father, committed suicide. The local F4J leader and his neighbor live within a couple of miles of yesterday's display. Today we are heart sick.

This display is not a theatrical stunt. Sadly, the reality of the message is all to real in California and across Father hating America.

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We can do reach out work right from our computers!! send out mensactivism lincs to friends.

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