NY Daily News: Jess Weixler treads tricky sexual ground in the comic horror film 'Teeth'

I read a "spoiler" review that offers a graphic view of the most intense gore scenes. I won't even mention them during this story submission. I consider them that offensive. I guess this movie is considered somewhat of a comedy because it deals with male genital mutilation. I suspect we'll be hearing a lot more about this movie as it approaches its release date. I'll keep you guys updated. Excerpt:

"I do see her as a superhero," says Weixler, 26, who grew up in Louisville, Ky., before attending Juilliard. "She's anatomically unique. Her power has to be learned, to use it for good. She doesn't seek out victims."

Then Weixler pauses and laughs: "Of course, this is also a ridiculous dark comedy. I took it seriously while we were making it, because I thought the concept was important and special. But it's also funny."

But it may be a tough movie to sell exactly because of its anatomically unique character, and because of a cultural atmosphere that can find even names of body parts offensive.

"I don't know if I'm surprised that people are still uncomfortable with [that] word in 2008," Weixler says. "I guess that anything that's a great source of power scares people. And sex is intoxicating - and anything that overwhelming is threatening to some people."

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I heard about this perverted flick a couple months ago, watched the trailer, and found it hard to believe it even got produced.

But then if you can make a movie for a couple million bucks and release it direct to DVD, it is expected to turn a profit.

The metaphor of a carnivorous vagina is not especially original, but the challenges of telling the story graphically within the bounds of an "R" rating must have been fun.

Since you can't really show "it," you gotta rely on a whole lot of shocked reaction shots... just like the original Godzilla movies... pretend there's a monster and scream real loud!

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The article I submitted is not the "spoiler" essay I read. As I mentioned, the graphic nature of the film makes it inappropriate to submit as a story. If anyone wants to know the details I'll offer what I know about the flick. I doubt anyone really cares about the details, but you never know. My only concern is there might be some teenage boys checking out this site.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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That's the truth. I think the film is a warning to men. Heed the warning..

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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on the website for the newspaper article. I actually had to make two posts, because apparently there's a character limit. Here's what I had to say:

This sickens me for several reasons. First of all, I was horrified when castration became commonplace in movies, happening to grown men. The reason of course that I would not wish something that horrible upon anybody, so naturally I don't want to watch that kind of thing. Also because a sick double standard exists in which it's okay to show this type of thing happening to men, as long as the man is a rapist or a violent man out to prey on women, or in other words if the man is portrayed as the stereotype that all men are evil which feminazis try to propagate. Second, this evil has gone to a new level. Now, we're actually going to depict teenage boys losing genitals? I think I'm gonna have to throw up. What has our society devolved to? To want to see that happen to a child is a crime beyond rape and murder combined. Second, it now seems that this type of thing, though traumatizing and insenitive to men and boys both who have intact genitalia and who have lost some to cancer, is viewed as acceptable. Third, this type of thing caters to a sick sub culture of society that gets their jollies from watching people lose parts which define what they're gender is. These people constitute a very small percentage of the population (thank God), and thus, they should not be catered to, especially when it comes to something so disgusting. Fourth, and most importantly, the fact that this abomination of a film is being referred to as "comedy". That is horrific. So, the sexual mutilation of a male, regardless of age, is funny. I hereby wash my hands of this sick society that condones films like this. I don't find this type of thing to be funny, nor do I consider entertainment. I consider it the type of thing that makes Satan get aroused, after all, who else would appreciate better the most evil of intentions depicted and people actually rejoicing in it, and gaining a sick sense of satisfaction from it? The world makes me sick. (End of comments)

I too can't believe that a movie with that retarded of a storyline was made. I really hope people aren't dumb enough to wanna watch something like that, knowing full well what's going to happen. Speaking of which, I think I can do without the gory details, thanks for sparing us them, it is appreciated.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Is probably more dangerous than a vagina with teeth. I have no problem with an attractive womans vagina, but I WILL NEVER LET IT DOMINATE ME!

I wonder if she can use her tampon string to floss the teeth in her vagina. What if she needs a root canal? Does she douche with Listerine?


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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I wonder if she can use her tampon string to floss the teeth in her vagina. What if she needs a root canal? Does she douche with Listerine?

The movie is so dumb I simply can't be offended by it.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Male genital mutilation or the continued portrayal that all men are rapists. I will say this about the "spoiler" review. The WOMAN who wrote the article suggested its important that 14-17 year boys watch the movie as a lesson.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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Mark Rudov debate this movie with Lis Wiehl. I'm not sure I spelled her name correctly but who cares, she's an idiot. During their Friday debates she always starts by shaking her head. [even before the conversation begins] I wonder if she enjoyed her only Christmas present, a pair of slippers.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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She doesn't know what kind of trauma that can cause to a young mind. I'm a grown man and I had to get my anxiety medicine doubled from watching a movie with that type of thing in it. It still bothers me somewhat to this day. And now this type of thing is becomming more ubiquitous and kids are being encouraged to watch it. *Throws Up* I can't believe that our society is becomming this misandric towards our boys. It ain't right. Do you have an email address for this woman which I can send my thoughts to? I hope the grimm afterlife Weixler is going to face was worth writing this filth. This kind of filth is depressing. I agree that it's retarded, and I probably shouldn't be so offended by it. But it's what it represents that truly offends me. It represents a society that labels all males, regardless of age, as rapists and out to prey on women, and that this is justification for the sickest intention a person can have. Crap like this should be banned because: A)It is offensive and B)It is retarded C)Pointless and D)Misandric. I'm just glad I found out about this through this website, and not by watching it. *Throws up again* Hey .. looks like Weixler's next film is sitting right here on the floor.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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You have every right to be offended by such trash. Roy is correct, this will become a DVD movie. That makes it worse. Who's going to ID a teenage girl or boy from renting this movie. I don't believe in censorship, but based on what I heard it should be rated NC17.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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Read the article on my website titled: "Do men deserve to be oppressed?"

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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