Children: Unsafe for Men to Be Around

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a society where pedophiles are outed and shamed as part of prime-time entertainment, it has come to this: Tony Taylor, a Pittsburgh father, says he wouldn't come to the aid of a crying child lost in the mall.

"For a guy to think he can walk up and say, 'Can I help you, kid?' he obviously does not watch the news," said Mr. Taylor, a retired military officer who lives in Turtle Creek...
It can be tough being a man seen around children these days, Mr. Taylor and other men's rights leaders would argue. Gotcha shows such as "To Catch a Predator" and front-page stories about pedophiles have fueled such a fervor that just being around a child can raise unfounded suspicions.'

Not too surprising that only 9% of elementary school teachers are men.

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Sepearting men from children is the first step of a cultural destruction based on feminism, chilvarious politicians, political correctness, and a pussified society. Just look at fatherless homes as an example. Unfortunetley things will get worse before society understands the importance of men as a positive influence on a child's life. Who suffers most, men or our children? Feminists claim part of they're mission is based on the happiness of children. Can a child really function without a male role model? With that said, feminists are purveyors of bullshit [there's a shock] They can care less about children. Kids are secondary in terms of their perverse goal of destroying the importance of male involvement in the lives of our youth.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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I know women that work with children and you should see some of the whoppers women and children tell accuse innocent men of. Most children have been raised under single mother households(or are still being raised under said households) and hence act just like the women that raise them.

On the other hand, we have the neutered men -- that act just like women -- and raise brats.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I don't blame the children but rather vindictive mothers. Miserable, unhappy women who seek vengeance towards their husbands at the expense of their children. Certain women who have no problem using their children as pawns to destroy the importance of unique male knowledge, morality, and the XY importance of a positive work ethic. These are things I learned from my father. Many women learn to hate their children as a method to destroy their husbands.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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What I mean is, you have to not make it obvious that you are not helping. For example, a couple days ago as I walked out the door of a 7-11, some lady wanted me to help her loosen her gas cap. I didn't want to be rude, but at the same time I didn't want to subject myself to a false rape accusation or something; so I made sure I got a good look at what she was doing with the gas cap and to see if she had anything else in her hands, before I went over near her car. Then while loostening it, I made a concerted effort to keep a good physical distance between the two of us...

But, can't win for losin'..the net result of my behavior was that when I was walking away after being done helping her, she seems to THEN be supicious of me (as noted by the way she looked at me, and the way she nervously said "thank you"). Therefore, when confronted with a similar situation in the future, I will just say, "sorry, I don't know anything about cars".


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In one of his books he notes that a woman will suddenly let a strange man off the street help her if she is in a predicament, such as if her car has a flat tire. My question is, if women really do believe that men are so dangerous, why would they even let a guy help them? One time a girl I did not know was even willing to sit in my car with me, so she could use my cell phone to report to her boss that she'd been in an accident (which I had witnessed).

Of course that was a few years ago before I wised up..I would never in my wildest imagination take such an incredible risk again!!


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"For example, a couple days ago as I walked out the door of a 7-11, some lady wanted me to help her loosen her gas cap."

A while back a grandmotherly type asked me to loosen a lid on a jar of peaches she was about to buy. "No," was my reply. "I'm going to buy it," she said. "Absolutely not," I said, "Get one of the people who works here to open it. I'm not going to touch it."

She seemed hurt that her dripping with sweetness request did not get the response she wanted. Too bad, that's what's called "tough love." Get used to it. When your gender has a whole stops waging a hate war on men, maybe, just maybe, some of those things will improve. Until then, all women are completely on their own. ...and as far as "mandated reporter," I don't buy that b.s. either. I am terrified to report anything to police considering the hateful bigotry they routinely practice against all males.

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I was at a job site a couple weeks ago, takin measurments and such with a female from our office. We met several of our consultants on the site, one of them had his daughter with him. He introduced her to us, she said Hi to the female with me, and completly ignored me. I said hi, she completly ignored me.

But before that, in a grocery store, a little girl about the same age as the one at the job site, asked me to get something of the top shelf. She didnt even say thank you.

So, its like whats already been said here. Females of all ages are fine with getting help from a man when they need it, all other times were treated like vermin.

Mind you, I have seen this stuff before, but after the girl at the job site, I swore never, ever to help or even talk to any females when out in public. From now on the only girls Im gunna meet are thru friends. Period!!

You watch, it will get worse, and you know how women are, they will continue to say that this 'man hate' is just a stereotype, that we are imagining it all. Untill something really bad happens, and it could of been prevented, but a man was too scared too do anything, then maybe... just maybe people will wake the hell up!

(Website url commin soon)

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Until and unless men eradicate from their own thinking any remaining traces of the virus called CHIVALRY, men will continue to be harvested like cattle in a feed pen.

If feminists have indoctrinated our society to view men as demons, then I propose that turn-about is just fair play --

men must assume that women are predators.

Especially all the ordinary "I'm not a feminist" gals who are taking that to the bank via the divorce, child support, and DV rackets.

There are a whole lot of guys in prison or living in a cardboard box on the street today for their crimes of CHIVALRY.

Watch what women do ... forget about what they say.

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"We met several of our consultants on the site, one of them had his daughter with him. He introduced her to us, she said Hi to the female with me, and completly ignored me. I said hi, she completly ignored me."

The main issue here is misandry, of course; but it is also true that in this scenario, if the consultant did not subsequently chastise his daughter for being rude, or did not at least tell her to say "hi" to you, he is a spineless quivering mass of jello. He's also an honorary woman. (the two often go hand in hand).


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