Men Claim Post-abortion Syndrome: “We Had Abortions”

Is this a men’s rights issue?

"Jason Baier, 36, still longs for the child who might have been, with an intensity that bewilders him: "How can I miss something I never even held?"

His fiancee's sister told him about the abortion after it was over. Baier remembers that he cried. The next weeks and months go black. He knows he drank far too much. He and his fiancee fought until they broke up. "I hated the world," he said.

These days, he channels the grief into activism in a burgeoning movement of "post-abortive men." Abortion is usually portrayed as a woman's issue: her body, her choice, her relief or her regret. This new movement -- both political and deeply personal in nature -- contends that the pronoun is all wrong."

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Men lack reproductive rights in both directions. She can have it against our will, she can also abort it against our will. We have zero say.

For some men, the former would be the worst; for others the latter. If he wanted kids and she became pregnant with his child and then aborted the child without his consent.... it's still a lack of men's rights.


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every time i hear this long worn out "it's her body,
no one's business, her decision" i think of all the states (u.s.) that require married men to get wifey's permission to get a vasectomy. the same women that make the first "her body" argument are the same groups that quietly lobbied to have all these states make these "wife's permission" laws. it wasn't the stupid men in the legislatures that said, "hey, let's make married men (themselves included) get permission, from women", about their balls, or lack thereof. and we all know from experience they are wayyyyy too whipped to say no to feminists.

so what do you say to those who make these arguments w/ a straight face? for starters they are hypocrites of the lowest order. they are liars. they are arrogant. they obviously view themselves to be of superior intellect (only God knows why), superior morals (ditto), superior reasoning skills, and just superior to men in every way (ditto, ditto, and ditto). "we know what is best for our bodies, the children, and men's bodies too. and we will secretly pass laws to let us do whatever we want". special people and special privileges, again.

all this from a bunch that can't even maintain the vehicles they love to ride around in. yeah, and the history books are just crammed full of all their inventions and scientific discoveries.

conclusion: their male minions have agreed to this and passed laws in the night that most of us would cringe at if we only knew. like IMBRA.
and vasectomy laws, and how many don't we know about?

"thay are truly amazing captain, but not very logical".

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Yes, this is surely a men's rights issue. Even beyond the reproductive rights we see that men are typically seen as being cold and unfeeling as if something like an aborted child would be no big deal to a man. This sort of stereotype feeds the double standard that men face: they are either seen as cold and unfeeling if they stay quiet about their emotional pain or they are seen as weak and sniveling if they are open about it. As a man you simply can't win when it comes to emotions. It is little wonder that men have had the common sense to keep their emotions to themselves given the harsh misandry that is prevalent.

This sort of article smashes that stereotype. Just think of the man who wants his child but since it is her body her choice he has to stand by powerless while his child is aborted against his wishes. That's got to be devastating. Post abortion syndrome indeed. You won't find that one in the DSM.

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And in some cases, i.e. when the woman's a cold heartless bitch who wants her unborn kid dead, it impacts the father more. I was on a dating website forum one time, and a man there was talking about how his girlfriend did this very action we're talking about. They even planned to have the child, then she aborted it, and told him later. The poor guy.... I can only imagine the pain. I feel for him. Then, I saw a lot of replies from women saying that "he's right to be upset, but she didn't do anything wrong" and "it was a fetus not a baby, her body her choice". I told these girls that just cause unborn baby killing is legal, doesn't mean it's ok, and that the woman did stop a planned pregnancy, and that's plain wrong. And to say stuff defending what she did to the father who clearly is suffering from the loss like that is just plain audacious. It makes me sick that no one ever considers a father's emotions regarding issues like abortion, and custody. I think both parents should have to consent to abortion, or it should be done away with entirely. But of course, that won't happen. It's also a load of BS that a man needs his wife's permission to have a vasectomy in some states. That's a huge steaming pile. I say "his body, his choice."

I also agree with what was said about men losing both ways regarding if they bottle their emotions, or let them out. Some feminazis actually try to deter men from letting their emotions out by feeding a stereotype that a man with feelings must be gay. That's such a load. Imagine if women were harassed into thinking that having emotions would make them gay. I think emotion is what makes us human. Plus, a man's emotion is genuine, not manipulative, like a feminist biatch.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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This is a ploy by the Christian religious mystic wackos to try to make abortion illegal or to try to limit it. The goal is not to help men who, as is most often if not almost always often the case in unplanned pregnancy, do not want to be fathers keep from becoming fathers, rather their ultimate goal is to FORCE fatherhood on millions of men.

Sorry guys, but you can't enslave women and force them to have children for you. Likewise, we should advocate that men not be forced to become fathers if they offer to sponsor a woman's abortion. Deciding whether or not to have a child is and should be a woman's decision and her full responsibility (unless a male agrees to take on the responsibility).

I suspect that the man who didn't want to be a father and whose life ended up being destroyed as a result of forced fatherhood suffers much, much more than a Christian wacko who feels remorse over the child that could have been (that he would have only had part-time parenting access to anyway). The religious lunatic can always go find a good God-fearing woman to be fruitful and multiply with, whereas a guy who has fatherhood forced on him can't undo it.

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Just so you know, I'm a Christian, and I am not a "wacko" or a "lunatic". I am personally offended that you would put all religious people in the same category. I admit there are some people who take it too far, but just because I'm religious, doesn't make me like said people. I am pro-life, but I believe in a person's right to choose. So don't go labelling me as things I'm not just because I believe in Christianity. I don't believe that God makes mistakes; I believe that every child is of importance, whether they're wanted or not. I think that if you are irresponsible and don't take the proper precautions if you don't want to be a parent, then clearly you are saying that you're ready to be a parent. And if you're not, the innocent unborn child shouldn't suffer because of this. There's always adoption. But of course if the pregnancy is to be terminated, since it takes two to make a child, and the decision impacts both parents equally, it should also take two to terminate the pregnancy, IMO.

On top of this, a pregnant woman is not a "slave". She played just as much a role in getting pregnant as the man did. And just because she has the anatomy to have the child, doesn't give her the right to kill the child as well. I think what we have here is a woman posing as an MRA or a mangina. I say this for three reasons. First, notice how the poster of the last comment tries to make motherhood look like this gigantic burden that we're trying to "force" on women, then tries to apply it to men, by saying that we'd be "forcing" parenthood on them too. The thing people forget is that it is a PERSON'S OWN ACTIONS that make a child. Thus, if you make a child, YOU FORCED IT UPON YOURSELF, no one else. And just cause killing the fetus would be the easiest way out, DOES NOT MAKE IT THE RIGHT WAY. Second, look at how the poster basically posts an opinion which defends the actions of the woman I described in my earlier post. Obviously, that's a red flag that we're dealing with a woman or a woman sympathizer. Third, look at how WhipperSnapper defecates all over religion in his/her post. It's no surprise that feminazis and manginas hate religion. Why? Because their beliefs are in clear contradiction with any religion. Thus, anything that doesn't believe women are "goddesses" and deserve power just for having a vagina is "wacko" and "lunatic" to believe in. Learn yourself some tolerance, WhipperSnapper, for religious people, men, and the unborn.

Causing arguments amongst ourselves will not help this cause.

P.S. Believing in the existence of God is a lot more logical than believing that one parent should have all the say on whether a child lives or dies, and basing who gets the say on gender.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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