Man fired for being "good looking"

"HUNKY teenage labourer Joe Norman was sacked from a building site at a girls school — for driving pupils into a frenzy.

The 18-year-old, who had spent the summer helping to build an extension, started getting wolf-whistles when classes resumed after the holidays."

Story here.

Ed. note: No double-standards here, no siree!

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Cuz I would of loved to see the look on all the parrents faces when they are being sued for sexual harassment. I wonder if he can pull off the same in the UK?

Honestly, he should go for it. He lost his job as a direct result of the female student's lack of control over their responces to him. It should be a slam dunk case.


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Ok, once again, reverse the genders and ..... the WORKER would be apologized to for the students behavior, and probably the students would have been suspended.

But, here is the PROOF that women know the law only works for them: NONE of these girls felt the fear of being expelled for sexual harrasment, and the man being fired REINFORCED that idea.

Just utterly unbelievable.


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I couldn't agree more. Just to add a little more proof to it:

It was quite intimidating.

The poor guy was terribly harrassed.

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But just to expand a little further on the reverse the genders and what would happen theme...

...I would wager that if the case were reversed (especially given that this is a Catholic school and they are femenist enimy #1) a case like this would likely garner national attention.

How you ask?

On top of suspension/expulsion for all accused of being involved, the young attractive female worker would be treated like the biggest vicitm there ever was. She would get to pick out the "instigators" of all this harrassment (read: the one's she found least attractive in the bunch and nothing to do with their actual role in anything) who would be then slaped with criminal charges to get the case picked up by national media. Intense coverage ensures that the example reaches a much broader audience then just the students at the school and can be used in future campaigns.

She would likely persue for herself the one in the group that she found most attractive. Of course this would be statutory rape, but since when to women need to obey statutes. Of course this would point out a) women have ego's aswell and b) the utter hypocracy of her harrassment claims but no one would say anything.

It would of course all be blamed on the sexist attitudes of the Chatholic church (read: Patriarcy) as this is a Catholic school.

On top of all that, because the school (and of course the accused boys who would already be on their state's sex offender registry and had their lives utterly destroied before they even get their trial) would now be under the most intense scrutiny imaginable they would try to alieviate concerns by adopting new draconian Zero Torlerance Policies to ensure no future incident like this occurs/crush the spirit and destroy all remaining traces of masculinity within the school.

We've all seen stuff like this happen in our schools to boys for more then 20 years now.

But as noted so brilliantly by the article, if it is a male worker being harrassed just fire him and that solves everything.

How far we have to go before we reach anything that even resambles equality

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