Anniversary of 'Larry Summers and the feminist purges of academia'

A day of infamy... 3rd anniversary of 'Larry Summers and the feminist purges of Academia'! Analysis here. Excerpt:

'Unlike most religious fundamentalists, these feminists were pursuing a careerist, self-serving agenda. This cause can put money in their pockets.

Summers's suggestion—now ignominiously retracted, with groveling, Soviet-show-trial-style apologies—was that sex discrimination and the reluctance of mothers to work 80 hours a week are not the only possible explanations for gender imbalances in the math-science area. He noted that high school boys have many more of the highest math scores than girls, and suggested that this might reflect genetic differences. He also stressed the need for further research into all three possible explanations.'

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The Gynocracy has targeted education precisely because it is the primary socializing arena for brainwashing children.

With 85% of K-12 teachers now female, and gender hiring quotas enforcing "diversity" in higher education where today 58% of students are female...

it's not too complicated to understand that the term Gender War is realistic.

Erase men from boys' lives for their first 22 years of education.

What does that accomplish?

See header above...

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I don't know, maybe that's why biology is a "soft" science...there's lots of weaklings like this lady teaching it in our colleges? Don't most biologists believe in evolution? That should indicate at least some modicum of ability to think scientifically, one would think..I'm not saying she has to agree with Summers, I'm just saying anyone who says they got sick and almost fainted, because of a statement like the one he made, is the most incredibly fucked up, hypersensitive, PC correct idiot loser that I have ever heard of.


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All I can do is laugh at the stupidity of these supposedly elite ivy league schools, pandering to ideological interests over real scientific exploration and logic. All the likes of Nancy Hopkins has to offer us is cheap theatrics, gender politics and junk science, nothing more. Now we know where NOT to look for the real innovation.

It will be amusing to watch Harvard, MIT and other formerly reputable schools implode under the policies of their new feminist/PC leadership. Watch as donations from alumni tank when they realize with horror what has become of their beloved Alma Mater.

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The Woman's Rule(courtesy of Mr. Reality): "Don't measure up to the occasion. Instead get the occassion to lower and/or adjust itself to your pathetic way of dealing with things. If it does not adjust itself(and offer you what you want with minimal effort on your behalf)shame it by calling it old, sexist, misogyny, religious zealot, or anything in order to avoid having to actually work as hard as everyone else to get what you desire."

Men have defended women and handed them too much. Didn't Esther Vilar warn men?

How many women do you know that do that? How many men raised by women do you know that do that? I rest my case..

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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She also warned us of the other injustice in the news right now, regarding the man getting fired from his job for not signing up for the draft. No one warned me about the misandry in the world, though. I think I was about 19 when I realized all of the stupid double standards when it comes to relationships. I was 10 when I realized that the media is ridiculously misandric. I was mortified at age 13, when I was watching Match Game, and a joke was made about a man having his penis tied in a knot by a woman, and everybody laughed. I thought to myself "you all just laughed at a joke about rape." When I was 7, I was hit in the groin on three occasions by other kids for no reason. So naturally, I hate misandry and I'm not prepared to roll over and take this BS and hand over to someone everything on a silver platter just because she has different reproductive organs than me. By the by, when I hear of news like this in educational institutions, it makes me proud that I dropped out of university. I could also tell there was lots of hierachical BS that has nothing to do with education where I was going to school, the U of A (Alberta, not Arizona).

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Not withstanding the posts above, I just wanted to remind you guys of one thing:

The reason there are more male scientists, engineers, mathemeticians, etc, is at least partly because men have superior development in that area of the brain.


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It's funny, instead of just caving into feminist pressures and this PC bile (as MrReality would call it), why don't they do a study to prove that it actually is true that men have superior logic skills? If a study were to prove this, those stupid feminazis who would rather turn a blind eye to the facts and have their opinions accepted as fact, would be cornered, and unqualified educational personnel (chosen by gender, and not qualifications) would not be used for what they're not suited for.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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it actually is true that men have superior logic skills?

You'll have to navigate through the PC, "don't give men the upperhand" nonsense to understand the study but it has rightly concluded that men are "smarter than women." Another study shows that big brains make smarter people and men's brains are at least 10% larger than women's brains.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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